March 6

Still sick, but I see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Except for poor Caleb, that is. He's been coughy and tired all day. Daisy went down for her morning nap at 8:30. I came out from putting her down to find this:

That would be Caleb, asleep on the couch. His breakfast plate is on his lap, his fork still in his hand.
(No, we don't normally eat breakfast on the couch. Every day - EVERY DAY - we eat breakfast at the dining room table. But today he looked so sleepy and sad that I let him eat breakfast on the couch. And he fell asleep.)
He slept like that for a good thirty minutes. Poor bear.

When both kiddos woke up, we headed outside. It was windy, but  lovely!

Daisy, furtively checking to see if Caleb sees her playing with his balance bike.

He saw, but he didn't mind because he was riding his tricycle.

I'm pretty sure she says "ball" now. She looks so pleased in this picture because 1. She has a ball, and 2. She just said, "Ball". She's hot stuff, and she knows it. Also, isn't the big bow funny? She also has bows on her toes.

Scooting around the deck!

Crazy wind + crazy bow = girl who is a little bit confused.

Also, I know Caleb is sick because he took a four-hour nap today. I put him down at 1:15, put Daisy down at 1:30, and climbed into my bed to sleep this cold away. At 2:40, I heard Caleb knock on his door, then open it. That's a short nap for him, but it's been pretty typical lately. I was still tired, so I pulled him into bed with me, fully expecting a struggle. Instead, he laid his head on Chris' pillow and went back to sleep for two and a half more hours. (That also never happens. Caleb naps in his bed. Period.) Poor boy. I hope he feels better in the morning.

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