March 26

Aside from a playdate at the park where I took one photo, we didn't do anything exciting today. Yet somehow I ended the day with 197 photos on my memory card. How does that happen? But then I started scrolling through the pictures, and I realized something: when the kids are being cute, I can't stop snapping pictures. 

Prepare for photo overload.

Daisy at the park in her new sun hat and new summer clothes (in March). Fun!

All of a sudden, the girl is pulling up on everything! She hasn't pulled up to standing on her own yet, but she pulls up to her knees all the time. Here, it was to get some of Caleb's cars. Clearly, Caleb was napping or this wouldn't have happened.

How sweet is she? Love her!

After the park, Caleb took a three and a half hour nap. Of course he had an accident while he was sleeping, so we took a "silly bath". (I have to call them "silly baths" or he won't get in the tub. See, they're silly because it's not the normal bath time. I also let him take one silly, non-tub toy in with him.)
Daisy was very curious about what her brother was doing and kept pulling up to watch him swim. Caleb blew bubbles in the water, and Daisy tried to mimic his bubble-blowing noise. They are so funny together!

I got Caleb a snack, then went to put Daisy down from her nap. When I finished, I found Caleb sitting in one of his new chairs from GREAT Aunt Maggie. I hadn't thought about them being just the right size to turn our coffee table into a dining table for him. Clever boy! (And he was quite pleased with himself, too.)

Later, Chris took the kids out in the yard to play with the aero-copter our former neighbor gave Caleb. (Don't mind Chris' paint-smeared shorts. That's just how we roll these days.)

The kids love the little rubber band-driven helicopters!
(Can you tell where our lawn ends and our neighbor's lush, dark green lawn begins? We have a lot of work to do on the yard this year.)

Her little toes kill me!

Daisy was really captivated by the aerocopters.

"What IS that thing?"


"No, really. What IS it?"

This boy was just happy to be outside!

He loves his sister so much. As I took this picture, he said, "I'm holdin' her soooo tight-ly!"
I love that my child can correctly use an adverb.

I also love that my children clearly delight in one another.

Kissing her shoulder.

How sweet are they?

I'm pretty sure this is a new classic family photo.

Hi, Caleb!

Hi, Daisy!

Sorry for all the pictures, but can you see why I couldn't stop?

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness, please don't apologize for too many photos! We never want it to end! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the ones with Caleb looking at Daisy and kissing/hugging. How sweet! And the ones of Daisy, so fascinated by the helicopter thingy. Yes I would have taken loads of pics too!!
