March 20

This sunshine and balminess has to stop sometime, doesn't it? Doesn't matter, though. We're enjoying it while we have it. Hooray for spending almost all day, every day outside!

Except for this morning. While Daisy napped, Caleb and I ate cinnamon rolls, drank peanut butter-banana-kefir smoothies, and generally puttered around the house. He even let me play on the computer while he lounged on the couch!

He's totally into this doggy blanket from GREAT Aunt Mag. Technically it belongs to Daisy, but neither child seems to realize that at this point. Caleb carried it around all morning, asked me to give it kisses, informed me that its name was "Cat" and it liked to eat cinny rolls...
Then he climbed up on the couch and asked me to cover him up. I used the ever-so-vivid blanket crocheted by Chris' grandma. So in this photo, Caleb is covered with gifts from two ladies who love him a lot.

Later, outside time! 
My girl, playing with her feet.

Yay for summer on the first day of spring!

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