July 31

I am not sure how tomorrow is August, but apparently it is. 

We celebrated the last day of July with a playdate with my friend Jill and one of her daughters.

I tried my best to get a picture of Lily and Naomi playing together, but photographing two toddlers is like herding cats.

Look at that sweet thing. She could never be uncooperative! It must have been all Lily's fault. 

Jill and Naomi left just as Eli was ready for his nap. He napped while I fed everyone lunch, and woke up just as I got Lily and Daisy down for their naps. Then he was ready for a nap right after Lily woke up... *sigh* Days like that are rough.

At least I had Caleb to help entertain Eli while the girls napped. The boys had a lot of fun rolling around on my big bed together. I love Eli's little foot and hand on Caleb's forehead in the picture above! I also love the shirt Eli is wearing. I just brought up all of his 6-12 month clothes, and this shirt (a hand-me-down from Jace?) was right on top. Score! I don't think Eli is fully ready to switch to 6-12 month clothes, but  they do seem to fit...

Sweet brothers!

They seriously had so much fun together. When Caleb is interested, he is such a sweet, tender big brother!

Look at how happy Eli was!

Goodness. I can't believe this boy is about to be a first grader! He's still my baby!

OK, yes, I realize that Eli is actually  my baby, and Caleb is a big boy. But still, he seems like a baby to me!

After our little photo shoot, Caleb and I helped Eli practice his sitting.

I'm not sure which is cuter: Eli's ineffective attempts to sit, or Caleb's complete engagement in the process. I love it all.

This video is even cuter, but is unfortunately focused on Caleb instead of Eli. Still, it's sweet.

July 30

After our late night last night, Chris and I were hopeful that the kids would sleep in. Amazingly, both girls slept later than normal! I decided to cancel all activities this morning, and we puttered around the house. I rearranged Eli's new room, emptied out his new closet, brought up 6-9 month clothes, and finally managed to take his 6-month pictures while the big three played on the swing set.

As soon as we finished, I decided it was nap time. Amazingly, all four children have been sleeping for the past two hours, so I capitalized on the time to edit Eli's pictures.

At Eli's 6-month checkup on Monday, he weighed 15 pounds, 5 ounces, which is the 15th percentile, and was 25.5 inches long, which is the 10th percentile. At his 4-month checkup, he had fallen off the charts for length, but he was right back on his curve this time.

Developmentally, Eli is still hitting milestones later than my other three children have. However, he is now within the range of normal, and our doctor told me that Eli has officially caught up in every area. There is now no indication at all that he was ever a preemie. Praise God!

Chris was concerned that Eli's skull bones had fused on one side, but not the other, so I mentioned it to our doctor. She determined that he has a flat spot on the back of his head, causing it to fuse differently. Because his face is still symmetrical, it doesn't warrant a referral to a plastic surgeon to discuss a helmet, but it does need to be addressed. We realized it's likely due to the fact that Eli always sleeps on the same side, so the doctor recommended I move to the other side of the bed so that Eli will be forced to nurse and sleep on his other side.

Easy fix, right?

Not so much. Eli and I are both having a hard time adjusting to the change, and we are sleeping poorly because of it. Boo. But it just increases my motivation to move him out of our bed and into his crib. He is napping there now, but bedtime is a challenge for him. Last night, though, I put him to bed in his crib and he slept there for an hour and a half! That's real progress!

He has also started rolling onto his belly when he sleeps, and tucking his knees up under him with his bottom in the air. It's adorable.

He is definitely a proficient roller, but definitely not sitting yet.

Just in case, though, I tried sitting Eli up to see what would happen. All of my other three sat right before six months. 
At first, it looked promising! He's sitting!

But he quickly began leaning...

Boom! Taco sit. Oh, well. It will happen soon enough.

In the past month, he has also discovered his toes.

They're pretty much his favorite thing.

Eli is growing curiouser and curiouser, and is much more aware of his environment. He smiles at strangers, and shows no signs of stranger or separation anxiety yet.

Right now he's taking about 2 and a half naps per day - a good one in the morning, and a nice long one in the afternoon, and sometimes a cat nap around dinner time. Bedtime is still really rough for him; I'll nurse him and put him down in his crib, but he only lasts 15-30 minutes there. Most nights, Chris will put him in the Ergo and wear him until we go to bed. I'm not sure what I'll do when Chris goes to Wisconsin!

Eli is still nursing through the night, which usually isn't a problem since he's in bed with me. Most of the time, he wakes to nurse every 2-3 hours. The past few nights have been an awful exception. But the trade-off of nursing through the night is that Eli's long stretch of sleep and not eating is from about 6 am until noon. That makes mornings so much easier! He sleeps until 9:30, and then we can go play without stopping to feed him. I'm sure that will end soon, but for now it's pretty nice.

As I wrapped up our photo shoot, I noticed that Eli had rolled over to his side and was playing with the grass. Like I said: he's getting curiouser and curiouser! What a fun baby he is!

July 29

It was a big day today: Eli's first Cardinals game! 

Now that we have four children, attending games is a bit more of an ordeal. We still only need to buy tickets for the big two, but we are less willing to park for free and walk long distances, and we are pickier about where we sit. (Note: bleacher seats are where it's at!) Chris and I decided that this year we would only buy tickets for one game: Star Wars night. Last year, Star Wars night was magically scheduled for Caleb's birthday. This year, we had to wait a few more weeks.

The kids were already exhausted from a few late nights in a row, and Caleb and Daisy didn't take naps today, so we weren't expecting much success. Amazingly, we lasted until the 8th inning! However, Caleb was surprisingly grumpy.

He agreed to pose for pictures two different times:
Once with Princess Leia and random friends (do you see the top of Lily's head behind Chris' shoulder?),

and once with Not-R2-D2. (Some googling leads me to guess that it is R4-P17, from the battle of Coruscant?)

Anyway, after that, Caleb refused to do any more pictures with Star Wars characters. No storm troopers, no Padme, Anakin, Obi-Wan and Qui Gon, no Jawas, no Darth Maul. And definitely no Darth Sidious. (To be fair, he was terrifying.)
Later, I asked him about it, and Caleb said he was nervous. He wished he had been braver, but he was anxious around all of these people. I suppose I get it - there's a lot of pressure to be "on" for the camera, and no time to slowly approach each group and interact with them. It's a lot for my introspective, slow-to-warm little boy who needed a nap and didn't get one. Maybe next year. So for now, we talked about bravery and regret and moved on.

Another thing my grumpy boy passed on was the kiddie batting cage. Daisy was all about it, though. Can you see the grin on her face? She was so proud of herself!

Eventually we headed to our awesome bleacher seats.
The whole crew! I can't believe we all fit in the frame!

My version of the same shot; this time Chris has Eli, Eli is wearing his darling little hat, and the kids are being totally uncooperative. See Caleb's expression? That pretty much sums up most of his evening. But Chris and I had a blast!

Eli's first Cards game! I wish I had gotten a better picture of him, because he looked way cuter than this picture indicates.

Daisy had a lot of fun, too!

Tired, overwhelmed, regretful... grouchy. But so handsome!

 And then there was this girl. Lily soaked it all in, and loved the game! Every time the organist played a song that required clapping, she set down her hot dog and clapped along. She grinned, laughed, and had a great time.

And soon, Eli fell fast asleep. 
Gotta love babywearing! We rocked this game thanks to my DIY linen wrap in a short cross carry with ring finish, and the Ergo on Chris' back.

Right after the 7th inning stretch, the fussing began. Thankfully, we have learned to pony up for super-close parking, so we ushered the kids to the van, threw their jammies on them, and were home in twenty minutes. The kids got to bed around 10:00, and before Chris put Lily down, I gave her a kiss and asked her what her favorite part of the game was. She thought for a moment, then said, "Funny bird!"
I clarified, "Did you think Fredbird was funny?"
She immediately laughed and said, "Yes! Funny bird!"
I ran down to the basement to grab the stuffed Fredbird doll we gave Caleb for his second birthday, and Lily went to sleep with Fredbird in her arms. So begins another child's infatuation with Fredbird.

July 28

This is the week of BUSY. It's only Tuesday, and I'm exhausted. 

It happens to be Eli's 6-month birthday, but I didn't manage to take any decent pictures because BUSY.

This morning was sweltering and oppressive, but we still went to the Botanical Gardens. It's just what you do. Amazingly, Amber and all five of her children, plus one cousin, walked up to the Garden to meet us. It was so nice to have friends with us. The highlight of the morning was when my dad showed up with his work-issued golf cart, and gave 6 of the 10 children a ride to the Children's Garden. Amber and I walked with the strollers and the littlest ones to meet them, and when they arrived, the children were giggling and grinning, with eyes alight. It was perfect.

Then we came home and all four of my children took naps at the same time. I even managed to nap for about 30 minutes, and I'm pretty sure angels sang me to sleep.

Then Caleb and Daisy got to redeem their tickets to the Magic House, compliments of our library's summer reading program. Chris took them, and apparently it was just perfect.  While they were gone, Lily and I tried valiantly to get six-month pictures for Eli, but we failed.

Now Eli is screaming wildly, despite Chris' best attempts to settle him, so I am going to dump completely unedited pictures here and call it good. Forgive me.

Interestingly, my facial expressions looked much like Eli's as I looked over these photos.
Completely unimpressed. 

"Really, Ma? 6 years of taking daily photos, including month-birthday photos for four children, and this is the best you can do?"

Oh, look! A deer ate Caleb's sunflower right out of our garden!

"I just spit up and now this photo shoot is shut down."

Chris' cell phone pictures from the Magic House:
He reports that the children were cheerful, cooperative, and brave. 

Goodness, she's sweet.

Cutest photo of the day.

The end.

July 27

Today is Chris' 34th birthday, and I feel more than a little bit bad about how low-key our celebration was. He insists, however, that he is happy with a quiet little day, so I am trying to ignore the guilt I feel.

Since he leaves for Wisconsin in less than a week (!), taking the day off to celebrate was not an option. There's too much work for him to do! Instead, we went out to breakfast as a family. Normally when we go out to eat, I wear Eli. No infant car seat = no other place to put the baby. But now he is so curious and grabby that wearing him while drinking coffee is a dangerous idea. So today, Eli sat in a high chair for the first time!

He's definitely still a bit wobbly, and high chair seat belts just aren't enough to stabilize a little guy like Eli, so I used my ring sling to provide a bit more support for him.

He loved it! He was able to see everything, and I was able to drink my coffee in peace. Win/win!

After breakfast, we said goodbye to Chris and the kids and I headed to my mom's house. I dropped Caleb and Daisy there and took Lily and Eli to the doctor for their 2-year and 6-month well visits, respectively.

Lily was wildly uncooperative, refusing to be measured or stand on the scale or let the doctor take her blood pressure... the only thing she allowed was a quick check of her ears, which look lovely. Developmentally, she is right on track. She weighed 24.5 pounds, which puts her in the 20th percentile, and was 34.5 inches tall, which puts her in the 60th-70th percentile. How about that?

I'll save Eli's stats for tomorrow, which is his six-month birthday. I cannot believe this little man has been with us for half a year!

After the doctor, we picked up the big kids, played at Grandma's, and headed home for naps. Amazingly, all four took naps at the same time. I used the time to make Chris' birthday dinner (his mom's burrito recipe) and start a flourless chocolate peanut butter cake for him. Unfortunately, I didn't plan ahead, so I had to call the birthday boy and ask him to pick up a few ingredients on his way home from work. Whoops.

Lily loved the burritos, and stood on the bench while I assembled them on the kitchen table. She tried to roll them up like I was doing, but eventually resorted to sticking her finger in them and eating all of the beans. She declared them, "Good."

After dinner, we gave Chris the gifts the kids picked out at Target: running socks from Daisy, work socks from Lily, and a muscle shirt from Caleb. Really. I told Caleb that he couldn't get Daddy Legos, so he chose his next favorite thing: a red muscle shirt. Chris doesn't know quite what to make of it, but I think he should give it a shot! And anyway, it was on clearance. So he should definitely give it a shot.

Happy birthday to my handsome husbando! I'm sorry the celebration wasn't nearly as grand as you deserve, but it was filled with love.

July 26

And the busy-ness continues. Today involved leaving the house at 8:20 to get to church by 8:45 because Chris and I were scheduled to serve in the nursery, a trip to Costco, a baby shower, and church small group. It was exhausting.  Now I'm multi-tasking by blogging and roasting a pork tenderloin that I will shred and put in burritos tomorrow for Chris' birthday. Tomorrow also involves doctor visits for Eli and Lily, baking a cake for Chris, and having a very, very quiet birthday celebration at home. 

But back to today. Busy = cell phone pictures. Sorry. But at least they were taken with a shiny new iPhone 6!

It was a slow morning in the church nursery: only Eli and one other baby. But the other baby was sleepy and terrified of Chris, so it was my job to snuggle him and rock him to sleep. Chris handled Eli, and when Eli was ready for his nap, Chris followed my directions for putting on the ring sling. After a bit of pacing, Eli was sound asleep on his daddy's chest. It was adorable.

Costco, lunch, kids down for naps, and then my friend Jessica picked me up so we could go to our friend Leslie's baby shower. I returned home to find Chris snuggling his boys on the couch, reading a Scooby Doo book to Caleb. I also found these photos on Chris' phone:

Hi, Eli!

This one cracks me up! Can you believe this little man will be six months old on Tuesday?

July 25

Shew - another busy day! It's 9:30 and the kids are just now in bed. 

This morning, my mom came over and stayed with Eli and Lily and Chris and I took the big kids with us while we upgraded our cell phones to the latest model. As we expected, it was tedious and annoying, but Caleb and Daisy did great. Chris took the kids to a nearby birthday party while I finished the phone stuff, and then I headed home to relieve my mom.

Chris sent this picture of Caleb and Daisy with the birthday boy, our neighbor Landon:
They are hot, sweaty, and enjoying suckers. 
They had SO. MUCH. FUN.

While they played, though, I headed home to find my mom and children all very happy. Mom reported that the kids were perfect; when Eli was ready for his nap, he refused a bottle and all snuggling, but went to sleep as soon as she put him in the ring sling. I'm so thankful that my kids have two grandmas who are both willing to wear them!

Chris got the big kids home in time for Daisy to go down for a much-needed nap, and when everyone woke up, we headed out for my nephew Jace's 2nd birthday party.

Of course, I forgot my big camera, so all I have to show for it is this picture of sweet sleeping Eli:
Those eyelashes!
Those lips!
That wrap!

This picture makes my heart happy.  

Also making my heart happy is this video that I took while we got gas. When we're all in the van and it needs a fuel-up, Chris likes to put down all the windows and run around the van, popping his head in and surprising the kids. Usually the big ones laugh and Eli is oblivious. Today, Eli thought it was hilarious.
Yep, it's 38 seconds of Eli laughing when Chris pops his head in the car window and shouts, "Boo!"
Love it.

July 24

I know it's only July, but we had our last big family adventure of the summer today. 
OK, it was just a trip to the zoo. But it felt like a big adventure.

Chris took the day off work, and we left the house at 7:45 this morning so that we would have ample time to enjoy the free hour. Despite our early arrival, we still weren't able to make it into the Children's Zoo, but it all worked out in the end.

We started with a visit to the stingrays, whom we haven't seen in at least a year. I know this because on our last visit, Caleb refused to even stick his hand in the water, saying, "I will try again when I'm five."

We totally missed the five window, but six-year-old Caleb was mostly willing to try to pet the stingrays today.
Lily was all about it.
She didn't end up petting anything, though.

This was right before Daisy got to touch one.

She was so excited and proud of herself! If you see her in person, ask her about it. You just might get a grin like this one.

Then, on to the carousel. At Grant's Farm on Sunday, Daisy really wanted to ride the carousel. We told her no then because we knew she'd be riding a better carousel for free today.

Chris sat with the bench-riders, while I went with my brave Daisy to ride on a gorilla. She really wanted me to ride on the animal next to her, but Eli was on my back so I had to pass.

The carousel started up, and Daisy was entranced!

Daisy handled her hair and outfit today. Can you tell?

I confess: I have been struggling with Daisy lately. Four is a really challenging age for me, I think. I vaguely remember feeling this way about Caleb when he was four, too. Maybe it's the outgrowing the naps situation, or just plain growing, but it's rough. Today, however, I was able to really enjoy Daisy. I saw glimpses today of the sweet girl I know is still inside her. Hopefully this stage passes soon!

The hippo tank is one of my favorite parts of the zoo.  Caleb and Lily enjoyed it, too! 
Doesn't it look like he's holding a fish?

Lily was so completely delighted by the fish! I wish I could adequately express how excited she was. She loved it!

Three of my four...

While my fourth happily kicked his feet in the BOB. He liked the fish, too. 

Our stroller/wrap/carrier situation today was very fluid. All four children rode in the stroller at some point, Lily did lots of walking and riding on Chris' back in the Ergo, and I wrapped Eli on my front and on my back, and at one point I even wrapped Daisy on my back for a while. It's nice to have options.

There was a little classroom set up, and Daisy really enjoyed playing teacher. Here she's "teaching" Chris about cheetahs.

Student Caleb was asking Teacher Daisy some sort of challenging question.

Then Caleb got a turn to be a teacher, and Chris asked questions. It was all adorable.

Elephants! They were so cute.

We were almost finished with our circuit of the zoo, but we had to stop at the elephant fountain before we left. I try to take a picture of the kids here as often as I can; it's fun to have touchstones like that as they grow.

Daisy was feeling uncooperative for the picture. Can you tell?
(When she was fresh this morning, she was a delight. By lunch time, my Daisy was wilting.)

Some kind stranger offered to take a family picture, which was so sweet. I think this is one of the best ones we have of all six of us! (Though hopefully we will remedy that next week, with our anniversary pictures.)

I love, love, love this one of just the kids. 
(Don't worry, Mom. Chris is right there, spotting Eli. I just cropped him out of the frame. No babies were dropped in the making of this picture.)

We chose to eat our lunch at a table at the zoo, instead of in the van on the way home. After she finished most of her food, Lily made a new friend. 
That poor duck desperately wanted Lily's veggie straws.

And Lily desperately wanted to feed it. Thanks to her nervousness and our instruction, Lily refrained from feeding the duck.

But boy she was a tease!