July 19

Two years ago today, we welcomed sweet Lily into our family.

She seems like such a big girl now, and it feels like she's been a part of our family forever, but when I look at that sentence, I realize that two years is hardly anything. The girl is really still a baby, but she got booted from her babyhood much too soon when Eli arrived. Still, she has handled the situation with grace and charm.

Caleb is quiet and generally cooperative, Daisy is our unpredictable spitfire, and Lily is our sunshine. At least once a day, Chris and I look at each other with puffy red hearts in our eyes and say in shock, "She is so cute!"

Lily is the one who says, "No, nake yoo" instead of just plain no. 
Her little grin lights up the room, and her laughter is infectious. 
She is full of big, big loves. 
Of course she has her toddler moments, but for the most part, she is our sunny little sweetheart. 
Goodness, we love her.

Though I thought she might still be a bit young for the tradition, I decided to hang balloons from her doorway while she slept last night. I'm glad I did - she loved it!

To celebrate her birthday, we took the day off from church and went to Grant's Farm. It was our first time taking the kids there, and, aside from a work event when I was pregnant with Caleb, the first time we had been there since we were children. And best of all, Grace agreed to come with us! 

Our favorite part was the Animal Encounters show. In the picture above, you can see Caleb clapping, Lily avoiding looking directly at the animals, a hint of Grace's smile, and a happy Daisy sitting on her auntie's lap.

Lily had this solemn look on her face most of the morning. I think she was a bit overwhelmed, and taking everything in.

Daisy bonded with a giant tortoise.

We are normally cheapskates who pay for nothing extra at free places like this. But Chris and I agreed to spend big for Lily's birthday, so each kid got a cone to feed to the goats.

Lily carried her naked baby doll with her the entire morning.

Later, I tried to imagine how the goats must have seemed to a two-year-old. They were taller than her and totally unpredictable, but really funny.

Then we moved on to the baby goat pen, and we shelled out for bottles for all of the kids. Lily needed specific guidance because she kept trying to drink her bottle. 

I kept track of Caleb while Eli snoozed on my back, Chris handled Lily, and Grace took care of Daisy. It was a good thing we had a one-to-one ratio for the big kids, because the baby goats freaked them out. There was a sign at the entrance that warned us that the baby goats could be aggressive; honestly, I don't know what I was thinking when I took Caleb into the pen. Of course he was going to be afraid!

The goats swarmed and pushed and Caleb was terrified. We gave it our best go, but the boy just lost it, so we swiftly left the pen. 

He was much happier once we were able to feed the goats through the fence, but he was definitely still scared.

Once the crisis with Caleb had been averted, I looked back to see how the rest of my family was faring with those big, scary baby goats.

Lily was content as long as Daddy was holding her, and Daisy was desperately clinging to Grace. Poor kids. Grace, however, was in her element. She loves animals!

Honestly, as a nursing mom, I found the baby goats terrifying. The way they attacked those bottles so aggressively with their mouths full of teeth... I could just imagine the pain the poor mama goats experience! Maybe they aren't so aggressive when they're nursing from a mama goat and not a bottle. But still. Yikes!

Then we saw the kangaroos and the lemurs. Lily still has her baby doll, and Daisy is wearing a new dress that Grandmother gave her for Lily's birthday.

Then the elephants!
In these pictures Lily is down, but she actually spent a good portion of the morning in the Ergo on Chris' back. That thing was seriously the best investment ever.

In the Bier Garten! Chris and I were both reminded of fond memories of our trip to Europe, a lifetime ago before children.

I know. I look puffy and sleepy and weird. But I am enjoying a free beer while Eli sleeps on my chest and other people keep track of my children, so I am very happy.

Sweet sleeping baby.
I love babywearing; I have no idea why more people don't do it!

It was so nice to have Grace with us! Not only did it make things easier, but the kids were so happy!

Our happy family!
(OK, Lily and Caleb don't look particularly happy. But trust me, they were.)

And the tram on the way back to our car. Caleb was so excited to ride on a tram for the first time! We asked Lily what her favorite part of the morning was, and she said, "Ride Daddy back."
Her favorite part was being in the Ergo. Funny girl.

We ate lunch in the van on the way home, said goodbye to Grace and dropped her off, and put the little ones down for naps. While they slept, Chris took Caleb to the Lego Store, where he got to spend his birthday money. The boy was in heaven!

After dinner (grain-free pancakes for Lily's birthday!), I took the traditional chalkboard birthday picture: 
Except Lily was trying to stick her fingers in the outlet. Oops! Let's try that again.

Happy 2nd birthday, Lily!

We had such a busy day today that I didn't get to take her official birthday pictures. Perhaps we'll try those tomorrow! Lily's last birthday treat was a bike ride with Daddy. She was a happy girl, who had a wonderful birthday!

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