July 28

This is the week of BUSY. It's only Tuesday, and I'm exhausted. 

It happens to be Eli's 6-month birthday, but I didn't manage to take any decent pictures because BUSY.

This morning was sweltering and oppressive, but we still went to the Botanical Gardens. It's just what you do. Amazingly, Amber and all five of her children, plus one cousin, walked up to the Garden to meet us. It was so nice to have friends with us. The highlight of the morning was when my dad showed up with his work-issued golf cart, and gave 6 of the 10 children a ride to the Children's Garden. Amber and I walked with the strollers and the littlest ones to meet them, and when they arrived, the children were giggling and grinning, with eyes alight. It was perfect.

Then we came home and all four of my children took naps at the same time. I even managed to nap for about 30 minutes, and I'm pretty sure angels sang me to sleep.

Then Caleb and Daisy got to redeem their tickets to the Magic House, compliments of our library's summer reading program. Chris took them, and apparently it was just perfect.  While they were gone, Lily and I tried valiantly to get six-month pictures for Eli, but we failed.

Now Eli is screaming wildly, despite Chris' best attempts to settle him, so I am going to dump completely unedited pictures here and call it good. Forgive me.

Interestingly, my facial expressions looked much like Eli's as I looked over these photos.
Completely unimpressed. 

"Really, Ma? 6 years of taking daily photos, including month-birthday photos for four children, and this is the best you can do?"

Oh, look! A deer ate Caleb's sunflower right out of our garden!

"I just spit up and now this photo shoot is shut down."

Chris' cell phone pictures from the Magic House:
He reports that the children were cheerful, cooperative, and brave. 

Goodness, she's sweet.

Cutest photo of the day.

The end.

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