July 7

We were supposed to go to the Botanical Garden today, but it was cold and gray and rainy and the kids chose to stay home instead. Since we didn't really get a Do-Nothing Monday yesterday, I was fine with it, and we puttered around for most of the day. Eli took two great naps (over two hours each!), which left me with lots of time to spend with the bigger kids. Caleb and I pulled weeds and explored in the garden, and when Lily woke up, the three of us had some snuggle time.

Of course we took a selfie. Lily has been wearing the toy Ergo all the time lately. She's such a dedicated mommy!

After dinner, the kids wanted badly to go swimming, but it was much too cool and drizzly to go to the neighborhood pool. Instead, we settled on the YMCA, where Chris and the kids swam while I busted it on the elliptical. I even managed to find some little swim trunks with a built-in swim diaper for Eli!

I finished my workout just in time to see this: 
Little man was rocking the baby pool swing! 
He looks skeptical in this picture, but he was actually kicking and grinning. Chris wore him in the water wrap the majority of the time, and they finished the swim like this. I think we'll have to go back soon!

1 comment:

  1. How fun! I can't fathom chilly weather in July... Good for you getting in a workout! I'm sorry your knee is bothering you, what a pain. I hate that :(
