March 5

Do you hear that? It's the sound of an entire family sniffling and moaning. Yep - even Caleb developed a nice junky cough today. Chris felt so sick that he stayed home from work, which is unheard of.

But we had our moments.

Daisy woke up at 4:30 this morning and didn't want to go back to sleep. So I sat her up in bed, thinking that being upright might help drain her little sinuses. I put my  hand on her back and fell back asleep. An hour later, she was still awake, and still sitting contentedly next to me. It was weird.  By 6, we quit trying to sleep in, and Chris got up with her. She went down for her morning nap at 7:30, and slept for three hours. Three hours. THREE. HOURS. It was bizarre. But so was waking up at 4:30 and just sitting in bed for an hour.
This is what she looked like when she woke up from that three hour nap:

I suppose I'd feel that sunny if I ever got a three-hour nap. (I keep reminding myself that one day our children will be grown and - Lord willing - out of the house, and I will be able to take three-hour naps whenever I please. That day is just not today.)

Do you see her? She's mocking me and my desire for a nap. She will never let me have one.

Oh, but she's so sweet that I'll take the mockery.

Don't let the photos fool you, though. She was not nearly this cheery or this snot-free all day. This was just a brief, sunshiny moment.

Caleb woke from his afternoon nap looking downright groggy. He was slow and quiet and clearly not feeling well. I coerced him into a snuggle on the couch, which was good for both of us. 
Neither of us fell asleep, but we laid there and snuggled and talked about our heartbeats. It was pretty wonderful.

And now to bed. Maybe I can sneak in a few uninterrupted hours of sleep before Daisy wakes up and I bring her into our bed. Or am I jinxing myself by even typing that hope?

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