February 7

Daisy had her nine-month checkup today. It was... ok.

She weighed 16 pounds, 1 ounce. That's a gain of half a pound since last month; pretty good for my skinny girl! But our doc said that put her in the 7th percentile, and I had to try not to pee my pants. Single digits? Yikes! But then I went home and plugged her weight into the WHO-created program I use to document her growth (What? I'm not neurotic. Every parent does that. Right? RIGHT???) and I found that the World Health Organization puts her weight in the 15th percentile. 15.1, to be exact. She's right on her curve. And then I wasn't afraid I was going to pee my pants anymore.

(The discrepancy is based on the fact that most American pediatricians use growth charts generated by the CDC, which uses chubbier, formula-fed American babies as their standard. The WHO uses skinnier, breastfed babies from across the globe for their percentiles. I like to think that the WHO is more accurate, and that the issue is that Daisy just refuses to be a fat American. She's more of a European-type baby, don't you think?)

She got one shot, and our doctor asked the string of development questions... and just like Caleb, Daisy seems to be a little slow on the gross motor skills. She should be pulling up, standing, cruising, getting to sitting on her own, etc. by now. She's not. But that's ok. She'll get there eventually.

Anyway, her gross motor skills don't matter because she's so stinking cute.
See how sweet she is as she scoots around?

She found a lone BabyLeg and became totally engrossed in it. She waved it in the air, played peek-a-boo, tried to wear it like a hat...

She even spun around in circles, gleefully tugging her little BabyLeg behind her head.

Then she snapped out of her hosiery-induced reverie and noticed that I was not only watching her, but also taking pictures.

That's when she turned on the charm. What a silly girl.
See? Who needs gross motor skills with a smile like that?

And then she scooted off to empty the trash can. She's a busy girl, people.


  1. I swear that Allie and Daisy are leading the same life! She weighed about that same amount at her 1YO visit, but thankfully our doc had already shared the WHO thing with me. She explained it exactly the way you did, and was TOTALLY fine with A being on her own growth chart. She's growing, just like Daisy is, just at a different pace. :) And they're just amazingly cute to boot, too. Excited for them to be dedicated together on Sunday. And yes, someday (when I can get this silly job of mine to stop getting in the way), we should get those two together! We could get together, then, too. Great post and cute pics today. Love how she smiles when she knows you're snapping. :)

  2. she is so cute! I love her outfit! Sometimes she reminds me of Sally as a baby but then other times she looks like you. :)

  3. I had skinny babies too Carrie. In fact Chase weighed a whopping 18 lbs at 1 year of age. He was in the 10th percentile for a long time. But I knew he was a healthy and happy baby so I just smiled and nodded when the doc told me I need to be giving him this, that or the other thing. He's still skinny, but at 3 years old he's up to 50th percentile for his weight. That's a huge gain in a year (he was still very low last year). You're right, Daisy is just fine. She's a happy, laid back baby. And oh so cute!
