February 14

Happy Valentine's Day!

I tried so hard to make this a good day for my kiddos; I love Valentine's Day. To those among you who often get cards from us: we made you Valentines, but somehow I never mailed them. They involved messy paint and red construction paper hearts and stickers. Please know, loved ones, that we were thinking of you. I just couldn't get around to writing and stamping and mailing.

Why did those Valentines never get mailed? A series of rotten, rotten days. Today was one of them. I won't get into the details; let's just say that it involved screaming and crying from both the children and me. But it's over now.

We started out right...

Caleb was tickled by his special Valentine's Day breakfast.

Whole wheat toast with Nutella, strawberries, and an egg white with red food coloring in the shape of a heart.

Daisy gobbled up her strawberries, but wasn't too keen on the heart-shaped toast. Maybe she was waiting for her Nutella.

Dinner tonight was filet mignon, roasted brussels sprouts, and twice baked potatoes with an old-vine red zinfandel. I heart keeping it simple.

But, Caleb and I made that fancy cake (with strawberries instead of the recipe-mandated raspberries. We had strawberries on hand.). I haven't tried it yet - Chris and I are waiting until after the kiddos are asleep - but I confess that I've tasted each individual component and it is delicious. Caleb helped me make the cake part. I told him that he could have a piece if he ate his dinner. We eventually compromised that he could eat two bites of brussels sprouts and three bites of twice baked potatoes, but he didn't do it. So we said no cake.

And then began the biggest tantrum ever.

Thank God this day is over.


  1. Ugh - the food compromises! Michael Jr just suddenly realized he might have a say in things like this, but he hasn't figured out how to use his power for good yet. Sunday morning he refused to eat his breakfast, ergo no donuts at church. But I kind of caved/anticipated his reaction, and had brought his now 5-hour-old scrambled eggs in a bowl in the diaper bag. He saw the donut table and couldn't eat his eggs fast enough. I probably should not have rescued him by bringing his eggs and just made him go without the donut. Or do you think he got the message? I have no idea. He's only our third kid - you can't expect us to have their brains figured out already.

  2. well, that cake does look spectacular!! He probably dreamed about it!!! Maybe only women addicted to sugar do that....
    it is right that you stuck to your word and said no. he can have some today maybe!
