February 20

 Sorry for the late post - Google suddenly decided that it no longer wanted to support my browser and I couldn't get Blogger to work and it had been a long day, so I gave up. But now I'm using Google Chrome, so Blogger works. I just have to get sued to this new blog interface, which feels very barren and empty.

But. Yesterday was a fun, if long, day.

Except for the part where Daisy puked on me - AGAIN. She was sick and fussy all day and all night. But that didn't stop us from taking advantage of the bank holiday. Around Christmas, Groupon ran a special on Busch Stadium tours, so I nabbed it up and stuck it in Chris' stocking. Since he was off today, we decided to use our tickets. Our little family of four had a fun tour of spaces in Busch Stadium that we'd never seen before, for only $10. I call that a win!

I cannot adequately express how excited Caleb was to go to Busch Stadium, Cardinals game or not. We parked on the street nearby, and Caleb almost exploded in agony as we drove away from Busch Stadium. He thought we weren't going to stop!

On game days, we never get to park this close or stand in the middle of the street for photos! See the statue of Stan Musial waaaay behind Chris and Caleb? When we walked to the gate, Caleb looked up at the statue and said, "Hi, Stan!" 

He remembers.

You can't tell, but he was one happy boy.

But his happiest moment was 
when he got to go on the field.
He really wanted to go out to the pitcher's mound, but we were expressly forbidden from even thinking about touching the grass.

Happy boys!

Making a footprint in the dirt.

Then checking out his handiwork.

I love his little shadow on the green, green grass! I think that, aside from the U2 concert at the stadium last year, this was our first time ever to be on the field at Busch Stadium. It's pretty cool - the stadium feels so intimate when you're down there.

Our little family, in the Cardinals dugout.
Poor Daisy slept in the Ergo almost the whole time, so you only get to see her little striped leg.

The boys, talking baseball.
Caleb will not understand why two of his favorites - Albert Pujols and Tony La Russa - won't be around this season.

And one picture of my sick girl. 
The cat was sitting in the window sill, so Daisy chased after her. Unfortunately, she's still a bit too slow.

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