February 15

Today was so, SO much better than the past few days have been. There was no fussing, hardly any crying, and no sign of Angry Mom at all. I'm pretty sure every one of you prayed for us today, because it was actually a good day.

Well, I write that, but then I have this photo to show you:

Baby's First Head Injury

It belongs in the baby book, right? Now, I can't tell you for sure how this happened because I had stepped into the other room for a moment. And I certainly wouldn't want to point any fingers of blame. All I can say is that it seems that something small, hard, and sharp must have come in contact with Daisy's head. Something, perhaps, like a Matchbox car?

And I know that Daisy wouldn't do that to herself.

And I know that Caleb was playing right next to Daisy, with his ... Matchbox  cars.

But I'm not placing any blame, here. Just connecting a few dots.

Daisy took it like a champ, though. She wimpered a little, but then she was fine. It looks much worse than it really was.

This thing was great at distracting her from her pain. When Chris' mom gave this to the kids for Christmas, I was pretty sure she had forgotten what it was like to be the mother of little ones. I mean, really. An annoying toy that sings an annoying song and dances and wiggles its eyebrows?

But after living with this guy for a few months, I can safely say that Chris' mom absolutely remembers what it's like to be the mother of little ones. They LOVE this guy. Caleb carries him around by his hat, Daisy has figured out how to make him sing his song, and he is perfect for interrupting any tantrum or crying fit.

Thanks, Gayle. You were totally right about this purchase.

See? Daisy totally recovered from her head injury. And those scraggly bangs cover it perfectly.
She is working really hard on those teeth, though. It looks like two might be coming in at the same time.

She loves the baby in Caleb's bedroom! I hate those mirrored doors, but the kiddos sure love them. Guess they stay, for now.

Also, for your viewing pleasure, here is a video of Caleb singing "Mockingbird" while playing his guitar and dancing:
I. Love. This.

It almost makes me forget how rough he's been the past few days.


  1. That video is going to be 10x better when he's 16 and giving you trouble again. =-) Glad today was better for all of you.

  2. I'm dizzy! He's adorable. Good material for the wedding video!
