February 27

So far, so good. 
Caleb and Daisy seem to be (mostly) done being sick. My stomach has hurt all day, but I've managed to refrain from emptying its contents, so I'm hoping I've avoided The Sickness, too. And aside from a cold, Chris is fine.
So maybe we're ok?

I forgot to take pictures today, which is funny because we did a whole lot of nothing.

But can I tell you how Caleb woke me up this morning?

Caleb and Daisy both woke up around 5:30 am. Chris took charge of them while he got ready for work; I got to  attempt to sleep. When Chris had to leave at 7, he handed Daisy to me in bed and left Caleb playing in the living room. I tried and tried and tried to stay in bed as long as I could, but then...
In my groggy, sleepy stupor, I heard Caleb coming down the long hall, dragging something heavy. He entered my room, unceremoniously flipped on my lights and began banging on his toy drum (thanks, Sara), yelling, "I'm like the red monster on Muppets!"
And with that, I was awake.

Dinner tonight was equally fun. Caleb refused to eat his beef stroganoff. He smelled the egg noodles cooking and thought we were having macaroni and cheese.
As if.
Sorry, kiddo.
He asked, "Can we have macaroni and cheese? Can we have macaroni and cheese from Bread Company?" When I told him no, he said, "I will go get it. Here is my quarter. I will go get it."
Then he went into the living room and whipped up his own batch of macaroni and cheese.

Pink play-doh in a little pot. He even brought it to the table so that he could eat it.

Caleb may not have eaten it, but Daisy liked the beef stroganoff!

As we waited in vain for Caleb to eat, we played the Clapping Game. It's a game Daisy and Caleb invented. Daisy randomly starts clapping, and the whole family joins in. We all love it. 

See? Daisy claps,

Caleb gets excited and decides to start the game,

And we all join in. It's pretty fun.

Daisy loves being the center of attention, and also loves being able to control what everyone else is doing!

(Now she's excitedly waving her hands in the air. Guess what we all did?)

Yep. We waved, too.

So. Much. Fun.
Just a normal Monday night for us. You know you're jealous of our awesomeness.
(Also, Daisy's tooth #2 should be making an appearance tomorrow. Stay tuned for details!)

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