February 19

Yesterday I wrote that Daisy was sick; I had no idea how sick she really was. She made sure I was aware, though, when she vomited all over me at 3:00 this morning. Thankfully, she and I were both awake when it happened, and I had taken her into the bathroom to give her some ibuprofren for her fever. I had just turned her around to face me so that I could give her the medicine when - BAM! All over my chest. But. It was straight breast milk, which is much less disgusting and stinky than other options. And, none of it hit the floor, so I only had to clean myself. Also, it only happened the one time. That's the kind of vomiting I can handle!

Since some of you think that I'm faking the Daisy-sickness thing (I mean, I am an attention-seeking drama queen... actually, there's some psychological ailment where mothers fake illness in their children... Van something syndrome... hold on while I google it... Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome. Named after Baron von Munchausen. Aren't you glad you read this blog so that you can learn these things?), here's a picture of sick Daisy:
I know - sad, isn't it? The poor thing has a runny, stuffy nose and a fever. She's generally miserable, unless I get some pain reliver in her. Then, she's more like this:

That would be me, pretending a pen is a mustache. Daisy loved it!

Then she would try to grab my pen-stache.

What fun!
(When I'm not feeling totally defeated by the fact that she needs me every. single. moment, I really enjoy the fact that my baby adores me as much as I adore her.)

What a difference some ibuprofren makes, huh?
Well, that and more flattering lighting.

Then Caleb woke up from his nap. This is his groggy, just-woke-up face. Also, I gave him a haircut yesterday and now I think he looks a little like Tom Cruise? He has Gatorade in his sippy cup, but he insists on calling it "Alligatorade". Love him.

I also love that he now gets up out of bed all by himself in the morning and after naps. I love hearing him knocking on his bedroom door, then his little footsteps as he runs down the hall to find us, then his announcement, "I am a-WAKE!"

Later, Chris and Caleb ran to the hardware store to pick up some paint. I was cleaning up the kitchen when I looked out the window and saw this:

Can you see them? Five deer, just hanging out in our backyard. They actually came closer - they were grazing near that tree on the right side of the picture - but I didn't get a photo of that. I was so disappointed Caleb wasn't home to see them! It is so thrilling to have such great wildlife here, but I'm already bracing myself to fight the deer once I begin planting my vegetable garden. It should be an interesting spring and summer!

1 comment:

  1. Poor baby! I think my kiddos might be coming down with something too. It's no fun having sick kiddos. :(
