February 6

Oh boy. What a long day. There must be something in the air, because both kiddos were just a little bit... off  today. Fussy. Whiny. Unpleasant. Caleb was particularly uncooperative and defiant today. I know some of you (*ahem* Sara *ahem*) are chuckling to yourselves and thinking, "about time". To you meanies, I say hush. Who am I kidding? I'm thinking something less kind. Today was the kind of day that leaves me still feeling raw, even after a glass (or two) of red wine and a double chocolate cookie (or two). I think I'm just tired, all the way down to my bones.

This was lunchtime. Daisy was particularly messy as she ate her shredded chicken and cucumber and whole wheat bread, so when she was done eating I took her clothes off and let her scoot around the dining room until Caleb was finished.

Then she figured out that her diapers Velcro closed.
Then she figured out how to un-Velcro them.
That's bread and chicken and yogurt (?) in her hair.

Yep. Pretty funny, kid.
I might add that Caleb has just figured out how to open his diapers in the past few months. Guess I was pretty spoiled with him - he's never even thought of getting into some of the situations that Daisy gets into on a daily basis.

I also might add that right after I took this photo, I re-Velcroed her diaper, then went to change her a few minutes later. It was poopy. Thank goodness I didn't let her keep scooting and tugging at the diaper!

Daisy dressed up for a visit to her cousin Max. Poor kiddo was standing on the couch yesterday and decided to leap off, but landed on his elbow. He ended up dislocating his elbow and fracturing his humerus right above the elbow. He's only eighteen months old, but has already broken two bones. Poor kid, but poor mama, too. So we went to visit Max and Emily and Ryan and my mom to bring some dinner. Daisy didn't like the flower in her hair, though - that was gone pretty quickly. And she didn't want to cooperate with my photos, so this was all I got.

Before I forget, I want to write about how Daisy has been falling asleep lately. (Did I already write about this?) I still nurse her to sleep for her naps, but bedtime has been different. When she's done nursing, she gets all squirmy. I try laying her down in her crib, but she fusses, so I kneel next to the crib, put my hand between the slats, and touch her hand. Her little fingers find mine and grip tightly and she stops crying. So I kneel there, listening to her breathing slow until she's finally almost alseep, then sneak out. I wish she could fall asleep on her own, but I'm touched by the sweetness off my little girl needing to hold my hand as she falls asleep. Love her.

And now, maybe another glass of wine. Or another cookie. And maybe some Downton Abbey. Curse you, Facebook friends, for getting me hooked!

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