February 11

Busy, busy day.

Chris played with Caleb and Daisy this morning while I worked the ACT. I was home by 1:15 - just in time to nurse Daisy and put her down for a nap. (She is now completely refusing milk from any source other than Mommy. It's ok for now, but hopefully I won't ever have to be gone for more than a few hours at a time until she's totally on solids!) Then I went to the grocery store to restock on produce, then home to get things ready for my mom, who kindly agreed to watch the kids so that Chris and I could both go to a baby shower for our friends Chris and Amber.

In the midst of that, I managed to grab a few pictures of my darling Daisy.

Scooting in the sunshine. Girl is getting fast, too. She really enjoys her newfound freedom, and likes to explore all over the house.

Oh! She sees something she likes! What is it?

Scooting, scooting, scooting to get to it...

It was the kitty! But just when Daisy got close, Tigerlily ran away. I love how disappointed Daisy looks! (Ouch. That sounds pretty mean, doesn't it? I don't love that Daisy is disappointed; I love the sweet expression on her face. I'm not heartless, really.)

Going for the kitty again. Look a that little tongue sticking out! She's so excited!

Face off: Tigerlily vs. Daisy.

"Heerrrreee, kitty kitty kitty!"

But Lily ran away again. And Daisy chased after her again. This was highly entertaining in person. Are you entertained by the photos?


Looking for the kitty, but no luck. She was gone.
Daisy loves the cat so much. It's a shame that the cat is so unfriendly!

While we were gone, my mom snapped this photo of Caleb's silhouette.

Isn't he sweet? I'm pretty sure he has his great-grandmother's nose and chin.

Before grandma left and it was time for bed, I told Caleb he could listen to one song on the computer. I expected him to choose James Taylor, but I was wrong. He chose Madonna.


I was worried that none of her YouTube videos would be appropriate for a two and a half year old, so we watched the video of her Super Bowl halftime show.

Caleb was entranced. He kept saying things like, "Madonna is pretty!" "Madonna is funny!"

Oh boy.

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