February 24

Happy birthday to me!

What a great day! Chris and the kiddos woke me up this morning with presents; I was groggy and half-awake, but Caleb sweetly helped me open every single one. Funny boy. Then we went to breakfast. Daisy fell asleep in the car on the way to the restaurant and - miracle of miracles - stayed asleep when we brought her inside! She must have been really tired. Caleb was an angel the whole meal, and drew admiring glances from every person within twenty feet of us. Daisy eventually woke up and was also a delight. Really, that alone was a perfect birthday gift. Adorable, well-behaved children at a restaurant for a yummy breakfast? Sing it with me: "These are a few of my favorite things..."

Later, we had a little (tiny) family celebration, involving a pizza smorgasbord and this amazing triple-chocolate mousse cake. It was more complicated than most recipes I make, but well worth the effort for a birthday dessert. It was on par or better than most restaurant or bakery desserts!

Caleb took advantage of all of the adults willing to indulge his outside-y longings. He and Jenny walked to the sewer lid to make it wobble and hear its funny noise, then ran back to the house.

Our pizza and salad feast. We each brought a pizza from a different place. I'm famously indecisive when it comes to food (and many other things), so this method satisfies my longings.

Daisy loves Grandad!

Blowing out my candles. I was woefully out of practice because I typically outsource this job to Caleb or Ryan. But Ryan was home sick (poor kid has pneumonia!!) and Caleb was busy snuggling with Grandmother, so I had to do my own candle-blowing. It took me four or five tries!

Emily and Max

I called upon Caleb's suddenly-impressive gift-unwrapping skills, and he was eager to oblige.

I love my sweet boy! He wasn't sad, just curious about this yummy-smelling candle from Sally.

What a good day!

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