February 22

Today, naps were had.
The sun shone.
There were no runny noses.
No one was vomited upon.

And that, my friends, makes it a good day.

Lunch today was so fun that I had to get out my camera, despite the raging headache that made me want to crawl into bed, pull the covers over my head, and ignore the children. (I did none of those things, by the way.)

Daisy ate broccoli, Cheerios, and string cheese.
The girl was crazy about the string cheese - as soon as she saw me tearing a piece for her, she would begin wiggling her legs and lunging in my general direction. When I handed her a piece, she gnawed and slurped and gobbled in a most unladylike way. It was entertaining.

Happy about the string cheese!
(She gets it from her daddy.)

Once the string cheese was gone, she resumed eating in a ladylike manner.

(Have I mentioned that she signs "more" now? It's very rudimentary - more of an excited hand-waving than anything, but then it settles down into a clap which is clearly her interpretation of the "more" sign. She also signs "milk". Unfortunately, she often signs "milk" when she's sleepy, because I'm a terrible mom who still nurses her baby to sleep instead of teaching her to put herself to sleep. It's just easier. So "milk" equals milk, but it also equals nap.)

Caleb has taken to disassembling his sandwiches and then smearing his face with the contents during lunch. It is not pretty, and it is quite messy. But there are no tantrums at lunch.

After naptime, my headache was gone and the sun was shining, so we headed to the playground. As we walked, clouds started gathering, so that by the time we arrived it was dark and gloomy instead of bright and sunshiny. But it was still above sixty degrees, so I can't complain.

Have I mentioned that these kids love to swing?
I'm sure I haven't posted any swing photos lately.
Oh, I have? Sorry.

Caleb also wore his snazzy hat today, but I didn't manage to get a picture of him in his whole dapper getup. But, can I just tell you? We put on the button-down shirt, rolled the sleeves, and donned his snazzy hat. I looked at him and said, "Wow, Caleb! You look handsome!" Then I busied myself with getting Daisy ready for the park. A few minutes later I found him in his room, standing in front of his mirrored closet doors, inspecting his reflection. He looked happy and proud and it was so, so sweet. 

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