February 16

Today was a MOPS day. MOPS days are always hectic, especially since MOPS starts at 9:30 and Daisy usually naps from 9:00 to 10:30. Today, though, Daisy was willing to go down for her nap a little bit early, so she got in a good hour of sleep before we had to leave.

During that hour, Caleb and I had playtime.

1. Caleb insisted on wearing this shirt today. It is a jammie shirt whose matching bottoms are in the mending pile. I guess he loves it too much to let it sit, unworn, while it waits for its mate to be fixed.
2. We went to the library this week and checked out Knuffle Bunny Free, by Mo Willems. It was our first Knuffle Bunny experience, but Caleb is smitten. We have no stuffed bunnies in our house, but he has decided that this plush bunny mask (courtesy of GREAT Aunt Mag) is his very own Knuffle Bunny.
3. I have Knuffle Bunny on reserve at the library. I can't wait to read it - these are sweet books!

I can't even begin to tell you how excited Caleb was when he found this mask in his toybox today. He made the connection between it and the book, and he was overjoyed!

"I love you, Knuffle Bunny!"
(Yes, he's wearing big boy underwear. For some reason, right as I was about to put Daisy down for her morning nap, he decided he wanted to wear underwear. I was nervous, because the last time I put underwear on him, he promptly had an accident and made a big puddle on the floor. And I was about to go into Daisy's room and put her down for a nap. That involves me shutting the door and focusing only on her for fifteen minutes. Despite the fact that I had visions of pee-puddles dancing through my mind, I helped him put on his underwear. Last time, it was my idea; this time it was his. He has been pretty resistant to any idea of underwear for a few months now, so I couldn't say no when he suggested it! Maybe it would be OK this time.

Before I went to put Daisy down for her nap, though, I showed Caleb where an old towel was. I carefully explained, "If you have an accident and make a mess, you can use this towel to clean it up."

But my big boy didn't need it. He was fine. He kept his undies dry for 45 minutes, until he announced that he was done, used his potty, then asked for a diaper. How about that?

After MOPS, both kids took late naps. Daisy woke first, so I popped her in her high chair so that she could watch me do the prep work for dinner. As I chopped the veggies, I gave her little bites to try. She was particularly fond of the mushrooms; she also enjoyed the crunch of sugar snap peas.

Mostly, though, she liked the bowl.

She liked the bowl a lot.

Then Caleb woke up and we got ready to go enjoy some late-afternoon sunshine. 
Daisy was pretty anxious to get outside!

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