February 18

Don't let the smile fool you...

this girl was not feeling well today.

I'm not sure if it's the fact that she's so very close to finally having teeth, or that she picked up a cold at MOPS on Thursday, but the girl was fussy and tired all day. At lunchtime, all she wanted was to be snuggled up next to me. I put her in the Ergo on my back so that I could make lunch for Caleb and me, and she fell right asleep. She stayed asleep - on my back - for almost two hours.

Now she's sound asleep, and I'm hoping that good night's sleep will find her back to her old self in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. No one is going to believe she is ever actually fussy if you keep posting pictures of that sweet face! Also, if you find your Ergo is missing sometime after I've been at your house, it wasn't me.
