September 9

The beautiful weather couldn't last forever - it was rainy and gray today. But that didn't stop us from playing outside!

The sky was just spitting rain when I took this photo.
Caleb loved the feeling of the tiny rain droplets!
(Yes, he has a miniature snow shovel. Chris' mom gave that to him for Christmas, and it remains one of his favorite playthings, despite the fact that it is seasonally inappropriate. It hangs on a pegboard right by where Caleb gets out of the car, and it's always the first thing he grabs. Then he goes and "shovels" the mulch."

"Fast runner!"

Today Daisy wore a new pair of socks. 
I'm not sure if it was the high-contrast polka dots, or the novelty of her feet, but she was captivated. It was so funny to watch her play happily with her feet for fifteen straight minutes.

Feet! What fun!

While Daisy played with her feet, Caleb took a four hour, fifteen minute nap. He normally naps two to three hours. I have no idea why he napped so long, but he was pretty whiny when he  woke up. The only thing that perked him up was my suggestion that he could help me  make dinner.

He sat up in bed, smiled at me, and said, "You can stand on a chair and help Mommy make dinner?"

Sure, Buddy. Anything you want.

So he helped me make dinner.

The flour was for lightly dusting our salmon filets. However, it seems to be beyond a two-year-old's fine motor skills and self-control level to "lightly dust" something. Caleb chose to dump flour on the salmon.
And on his shirt.
And on his face. (How did it get on his face?)

The salmon tasted delicious, though!

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