September 13

Another lazy day at home. Daisy wore a new dress, though. (We're still working our way through her 3-6 month wardrobe, so pretty much every outfit is new. But still.)
This is what happens every time she wears a dress: it inevitably gets hiked up to her mouth, leaving all of her nether-regions exposed. I'm assuming this is normal girl-baby behavior; Caleb (being male and all) never wore dresses, so we never experienced this with him. We did experience the whole everything-goes-to-his-mouth phase, which is definitely where Daisy is right now.

Everything. In the mouth. But isn't she cute??

We attempted to run four miles today; it was a disaster from every angle. First Daisy napped for twice as long as she normally does, which caused me to cancel our run and change out of my running clothes. Then I realized it would be impossible to run any other time, so I changed back into my running clothes and decided to suck it up and do it. But we were leaving an hour later than normal, so it was hot out. And sunny. Which makes things more challenging. And then, a mile into the run, Daisy started fussing. She  never fusses when we run. Never. But today she did. I thought she'd stop, so I kept running. After another half mile, when I was as far away from home as I could possibly be, I realized she wouldn't stop fussing; in fact, she was all-out crying. So I stopped. Decided she was warm. Took off her clothes. She screamed. Dabbed her with cool water. She screamed. There was nothing I could do, so I just kept on running for home.  I gave up on my last mile, and decided to just run three. And then I walked the last half-mile, carrying my naked, crying baby against my out-of-breath, sweaty body, in the hot, hot sun, while pushing my double stroller.

It was a disaster. But it's over. When we got home, I realized she was hungry, though she had eaten two hours before. Go figure.

After lunch and naps, we celebrated what may be the last really warm day of the season (I know - I'm being optimistic) by getting out the inflatable pool that I bought a few weeks ago at Target, on clearance for $2.48.

Daisy rocked her new swimsuit, on clearance at The Children's Place for $1.69.
(I know - I'm destroying these end of season clearance sales! I'm totally stocked up for next summer...)

"We're swimming!"

Can you guess what Daisy is laughing at?
Her brother, running behind me, hooting and jumping just to entertain her. This girl rarely laughs for me, but Caleb just has to think about laughing, and she bursts into face-splitting, shrieking laughter. It's fascinating how attentive she is to Caleb and his moods

I'm pretty sure he's saying "Cheese".
Not that I asked him to. Or even taught him to. Somehow he just figured it out. Funny boy.

1 comment:

  1. At least you tried and got out there and ran. I am impressed that anyone could run three miles pushing two kids. YES she is so cute with those two fingers in her mouth! Now I can't decide if I want to replace the other screen saver picture I have of Daisy with this one....
