September 14

Today started out great: I ran five miles in the rain, while the kids played with Grandma. We were having so much fun that I made the choice to stay at my mom's past lunchtime. And past naptime.

Bad idea.

It was a rocky afternoon.

But my husband, my blessed, blessed husband, who didn't even know we were having a terrible afternoon, managed to get home an hour earlier than normal. He rescued me.

What a good man.

One of the few moments this afternoon when Daisy WASN'T crying.

My family.

Caleb adores his Daddy.

He loves his sister, too.
(See how he's reaching out to touch her foot? Precious!)
(Also, I noticed today that Caleb uses a silly, high-pitched voice when he talks to Daisy. It's really funny.)

And now I'm going to bed.

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