September 22

So, my children were holy terrors for Grandma last night, but woke up little angels for me. How is that always the way it goes? Caleb's cold is on the mend (though the tantrums are still going strong), and I think Daisy is finally feeling better after her cold/vaccines combo. In fact, she gave me a genuine, unsolicited smile for the first time in three days.

The big news around here? Daisy rolled over from back to tummy for the first time today! Unfortunately, I was on a run when it happened, and Chris didn't see it either. He just noticed she was on her back, then a moment later she was on her tummy! She did that two different times, but Chris didn't realize that he needed to get super excited about it and chase me down to tell me. When he finally told me (an hour after I returned from my run!), I promptly set her on her floor to see if she'd do it again and... she did! My baby may be skinny, but she can roll a month before she's supposed to! Unfortunately, I didn't get any photos or video (though not for lack of trying!).

Here are the photos I did take:
Caleb has never been a dancer. Where other kids bop to music from the time they can move, Caleb has always been one to sit silently in front of a speaker and listen intently. But in the past few weeks, he has started "dancing", and it is HILARIOUS. This is one blurry example of his dancing - he runs around with a hopping step, throwing his arms up in the air, then letting them flop down to his sides. It's a truly funny sight - I hope you all get to see it some day.

Also, more snuggles on the bed. I realize that most of these are out of focus; I guess I was having a bad camera day. I have to share them, though, because they're so cute!
Oh, how they love each other!
(I feel compelled to add that I never place them side-by-side like this. I always lay Daisy down, and Caleb comes over, throws himself down next to her, then wiggles until he's right next her.)

My sweet babies.

My mom had a fit last night about how much Daisy looks like me as a baby. It's kind of crazy how similar we are! Also, Mom thinks Daisy has a headstrong personality, just like I did. I think Mom is wrong.

Daisy reached up to Caleb, and he reached out to hold her hand.

She adores her brother.
(I'm pretty sure I say these things every day, but every day I'm baffled by how much they love each other. I mean, they're just babies! But they are devoted to each other, and I am not exaggerating.)

Finally, happy kiddos. Maybe tomorrow will be tantrum and snot-free!

1 comment:

  1. If you get a tantrum and snot-free day, on top of having children that take simultaneous naps, I'm calling upstairs for a refund. :)
