September 6

"Do-nothing Tuesday" has a nice ring to it.
It's certainly an apt name for our agenda today. The cooler temperatures meant lots of outside time for us, despite my nasty allergies.

It was so cool this morning that Daisy had to wear a little sweater on top of her long-sleeved shirt and corduroy pants! (Isn't she adorable? I love her fall wardrobe, thanks to our friend Allison who is passing along her baby girl's cutest stuff as she outgrows them!)

I have two cucumber plants at opposite ends of my garden. Somehow, they both spontaneously decided to start producing cucumber balls instead of normal cucumbers. Don't ask me why. They are edible, but we prefer to marvel at them. And throw them. We always throw them. Because clearly, they're balls first, and cucumbers second.

Caleb is two years old; nearly 26 months old, in fact.
Today he fell and skinned the knuckle on his thumb. I'm pretty certain this was his first-ever bandaid-requiring injury.
First ever.
At two.
He is a very cautious little boy.

It was so funny to watch him react to the bandaid, though. All morning, he refused to use his left hand, and kept his thumb sticking out at a right angle. It reminded me of putting a cat on wet grass, or booties on a dog. 

Later, we got out Caleb's old activity center/jumperoo.
We got it for Caleb when he was nearly six months old, and Daisy is just four months old now. She can't use it very well yet, and even at the lowest setting, her feet don't touch the floor.
But Daisy didn't care about those details. This girl was pretty excited with her fancy new toy!

(Even if she did tip over a few times. She'll get the hang of it.)

While Daisy played, Caleb and I baked cookies. He still loves helping me dump ingredients. We pulled a chair up to the counter, and I helped him climb up. He immediately grabbed the recipe we were using, looked at it, and said, "Hmm. What do we need?"

And then I died.

Caleb's favorite part of baking cookies is tasting. Can you tell that these cookies might have involved chocolate chips?

(I gave him the choice of peanut butter cookies or oatmeal cookies. He chose both. Luckily, I have a recipe for peanut butter-oatmeal-chocolate chip cookies. And then, I threw pretzel pieces into a dozen of them. And then I threw coconut into another dozen.

It's CRAAAAZY up in herrr.

All Caleb cared about were the still-gooey chocolate chips, though.)

Don't those little corduroys make you swoon? They're so adorable and delicious - a perfect complement to my adorable and delicious little girl!

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