September 24

We packed a lot of activity into this day! Activities on our agenda included:
dentist for me
football game for Chris and the kids
nine miles for me
five miles for Chris
lawn-mowing for Chris
dinner at Imo's

Sadly, I didn't get many pictures of the fun. Here's what I did get:

I ran my nine miles at Creve Coeur park, but Chris had to do his in the afternoon. We consolidated events by dropping him off five miles away from Oktoberfest and letting him run there. The kids and I drove, parked, and played until he arrived.
It worked pretty well. That's Caleb "flying" to Daddy, who is raising his arms in victory. It was pretty sweet, until Chris realized that Caleb wasn't running to him in excitement, he was running to the trailer. Talk about an ego-deflator.

Daisy was happy to roll around on the blanket. She was hungry the whole time we were out, but every time I tried to feed her, she got distracted and refused to eat. It was very frustrating for mama.

Caleb found a stick. It became his new favorite toy. He carried it around all over the park.

Ah, hitting a tree with a stick. What could be more fun?

Still happy.
Still hungry.
Still not eating.
(BTW, does a child really have to be dripping in pink for it to be a girl? You know me - I'm not a super-pink mama. Daisy has all of the colors of the rainbow in her wardrobe. Today, several different people called her a boy. I'm not sensitive or anything; I understand that they all look alike at this age. But she has some feminine touches going on in this outfit: pink belt, flower button, pink toes... really? A boy? Just because she's wearing black? A different day, someone called her a boy and I had to clarify that Daisy was a girl. She responded, "Oh, I just saw the yellow and assumed it was a boy."
End of rant. Thank you for bearing with me.)

Daisy knows she's a girl, and she doesn't have to be swathed entirely in pink to show it!

That's all I've got today, folks.

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