September 25

What a great weekend! We chose to skip church today, since the kids are still recovering from colds. I'd hate to be the family that causes all the other kids to get sick. So instead, we slept in, made pumpkin pancakes, played outside, went for runs, napped, put some chili in the crock pot, and headed out to the pumpkin farm. Do you remember our visit there last year? It's always so much fun.

Last year, Caleb loved the fire truck. This year, it was the tractors.

He's patting the tire. What a funny boy!

Aren't they cute?

Isn't the look on Daisy's face hilarious? It's so hard to get babies to smile when you want them to! But I love that Caleb is holding her hand, and I love his smile.

Isn't this the sweetest thing?

Caleb decided to let Daisy hold a pumpkin.

Into her lap. I love how proud of himself he looks!

Daisy was reaching out to touch Caleb. She loves to touch his face, and especially loves to play with his hair. Most of the time, Caleb really likes this. Today, not so much. Can you see the worried expression on his face?

This kid is serious about his tractoring!

Then Caleb found a stick.
Then Caleb put the stick in Daisy's mouth.
Chris stood by and freaked out, while I took photos of the incident.
We're pretty great parents.
The end.

1 comment:

  1. ahahhahahah the stick! She's like oooh ok yum... I have so many thoughts about these photos I can't possibly say them all. They are so sweet together and this day must have been so much fun! They are so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
