September 15

Today was the first MOPS meeting of the school year, and Caleb and I were both excited about it. But then the poor kid got put in a classroom with twin boys who had never been away from their mom before, and they were...
Apparently that made Caleb pretty upset, because an hour into the meeting, someone came to get me. She said he had been whimpering and asking for Mommy the whole meeting. Poor kid. We shuffled him into a screamer-free classroom and then he did just fine. Hopefully the next meeting will be better.

Then we went home, and the child didn't have the good sense to fall asleep in the car. I finally put him down for his nap half an hour later than normal. But an hour after that, guess who was still awake? Yep. He spent a full hour in his bed, in his darkened room, talking, singing, playing with toy cars, taking off his socks... Finally I had to sing and rock him to sleep. I felt really frustrated - I had a headache, I was exhausted from MOPS, and is it really that hard to fall asleep? - but then I realized that he's two. This may very well be the last time I get to sing and rock him to sleep.

 And then I snuggled him closer, and sniffed his hair, and savored the way his little body melts into mine as he falls asleep.

And then I laid him in his bed and climbed into my bed to take a two-hour nap, snuggled up to Daisy.

Post-nap cuteness:
Daisy wore a new onesie today.
Stripes make me melt.

So do her smiles.

Chris got a random opportunity to play some roller hockey after work today. Of course we all went out to cheer him on. Caleb was so excited to watch Daddy play hockey! 
Gotta love my mom for coming out to that stinky, gross rink to cheer on her "son"!

I'm pretty sure he was yelling, "FUMBLE!" here. Poor kid. We won't tell him there's no fumbling in hockey.

When the game was over, Chris came over to say hi. Caleb didn't want to say hi. He wanted Daddy's hockey gloves, despite the fact that they were stinky, sweaty, and yucky. He didn't take that thing off until I pried it off of him so he could get in the bathtub. I hope Chris washed Caleb's hand really well...

1 comment:

  1. I put the hockey glove on Caleb's hand and tucked him into bed.
