September 20

Tonight was book club night, so I spent the afternoon baking. While Daisy napped, Caleb helped me bake some chocolate pies.

Caleb helped me make the whipped cream.
(I let go of the mixer just to take this picture; normally, I keep my hand there the whole time. He was terrified to be completely in charge of it!)

Then he tasted his work. Delicious! He helped pour some vanilla into the whipped cream, but helped a bit too generously. It tasted a bit like a melted McDonald's ice cream cone.

Next, he helped me make the pie crust. 
I know. Not many grown-ups can make a pie crust, but my two-year-old is doing a pretty good job!

He really liked the rolling pin, and was focused on his work.

I love that Caleb loves to help me bake!

Things got hectic after that - Daisy woke up, Daddy came home, so I didn't get any more pictures. But he helped me make two chocolate pies. (Here's a link to the recipe - a really simple, and amazingly delicious baked chocolate pie. Try it - you'll likely have all the ingredients in your pantry right now!) We took a break after we made the first, and the kid sobbed when I made him get down off his chair. He cried, and yelled, "Want to make chocolate pie!" Poor thing.

Another poor thing? This girl. 
Between her cold and the four vaccines she got yesterday, she was not feeling well today. I did discover, though, that she's at the stage now where she thinks coughing is hilarious. All I have to do is pretend to cough at her, and she bursts into her funny little laugh/cry.

Hopefully she feels better tomorrow.

Other big news? Caleb poopied on the potty today! It was his first time, and we were both so proud of him. I took a picture on my phone, but I'll spare you from seeing that. All told, he used his potty five times today! I really don't mind diapers, but I love how proud Caleb is when he uses the potty. He's getting to be such a big boy!

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