September 4

Today was a weird, but good, day.

The first weird thing? Both Caleb and Daisy slept until 8:00. Really. Caleb, who typically wakes up at 6:30, slept until 8:00. And darling, compliant Daisy went right along with it.

Then we packed up enough stuff to last a normal family three days, and headed out on our run. Chris pushed the BOB and did nine miles, while I did six solo miles. (I'm past the point of feeling bad about the fact that Chris can run eight miles in the time it takes me to run six; he's a natural runner, and I'm just not. I'm OK with that.) We were a little nervous about how the kiddos would handle an hour and a half in the stroller, but they rocked it. When I met up with Chris and the kids, Daisy just looked up at me with a big grin. That's my girl.

After the run, a celebratory brunch at First Watch, and somehow we didn't get home/get Caleb down for a nap until 2:45. He normally naps at 12:15. Oops. But then he wouldn't sleep. He talked and sang to himself for an hour before he finally fell asleep for 45 minutes. And that was his nap for the day!

Chris took Caleb off on a bike ride, and Daisy and I did her four month pictures. Because, you know, she's four months old today!

The little white dress she's wearing was $2 at Old Navy yesterday. I love it so much - it makes me want to take pictures. I made her headband a month ago out of random tulle ribbon; I'm hoping to make some prettier headbands as soon as I can get the supplies I need. (Somehow, a trip to the fabric store feels like a big ordeal right now.)

Can you tell from the hands-in-the-mouth pose that she's working on teeth? There's a little something on her gums that could be a tooth bud, but I don't think it will come through anytime soon. Caleb was practically a senior citizen before he got his first tooth. We'll see how Daisy compares.

Pretty sure I love this one.

She wasn't feeling very smiley for this photo shoot, perhaps because she was exhausted. She only lasted about ten minutes before she started crying and I had to put her down for a nap.

But here's a little smile for you. She's getting pretty good at the Bumbo chair!

At four months, Daisy:
weighs around 12 and a half pounds
is getting too tall for her 3-6 month jammies!
just switched over to her 3-6 month clothes (it's a shame about those jammies)
goes to bed around 8 pm and wakes up at 6:30 am. She should be sleeping more, but once Caleb wakes up, there's no putting her back to sleep!
might wake once or twice a night to nurse. I've stopped paying attention.
takes three or four forty-five minute naps each day, plus a long afternoon nap when Caleb naps
loves to nurse. I'm not planning on introducing solids until she's six months old.
babbles a lot, but no consonant sounds yet. Though Chris swears she said "hi" to him today
is a happy girl who adores her big brother!

Speaking of... 
This is Caleb, modeling his poor table manners.
Actually, he thinks it's really funny to tap his elbows on the table. I have no idea why, but he loves it.

Blowing you a kiss!

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