January 9

Today was one of those not-quite-sure-if-it-was-a-good-day-or-bad-day kind of days.

I got a TV set up last night, and this morning Caleb and I snuggled in bed and watched thirty minutes of Cars  while Daisy napped.

Caleb spent a good chunk of the morning pretending to make me breakfast while wearing this Christmas gift from GREAT Aunt Maggie:
"And we have coffee and milk and coffee cream and cinny rolls and bacon..."

He thought he was pretty cool.

Chef Caleb even cooked a few of his toys for me to eat as an appetizer. What a nice boy.

Daisy took a two and a half hour nap in the morning, and her two hour afternoon nap coincided with Caleb's four hour nap. (I know. Some of you are thinking, "Sheesh! And she has the gall to imply that it might not have been a stellar day???")

When Daisy was awake, she happily entertained herself in our sunshiny front room: 
This girl is so content!

She loves looking out the front window! Tonight we used a Home Depot gift card someone gave us for Christmas to buy a bird feeder and songbird feed for the front yard. Hopefully we'll soon have lots of birds to watch!

It's official: Daisy definitely waves bye-bye now.

But the not-so-good:
We had a seven-hour nursing strike. She should have nursed three times during those seven hours, but Daisy angrily refused to nurse, even though she was clearly hungry.

I tried to fill her little belly with breastmilk in a sippy cup (she prefers that over the bottle now) and rice poofs.

She was happy with the rice poofs until she saw that I was eating something else.

I gave her one goldfish, and she loved it. When I looked away, she scooted over, grabbed the bowl and started eating them. Of course, I quickly cleaned up the mess and allowed her to do it again. This time, I had my video camera in hand.

Also, Daisy's new mobility means that she tends to get stuck now.

A stuck baby is a fussy baby!

Another thing that makes Daisy fussy? This rotten cold that she's had for over a week. I think it may be two colds, stacked end to end. See the snot bubble in her nose? (In case you're curious, she's eating a green bean from my homemade veggie soup.)

This evening she was so fussy that I'm starting to wonder if she's teething or has an ear infection. She's been uncharacteristically upset. Poor girl. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

1 comment:

  1. love love LOVE caleb cooking his toys for you for an appetizer. how adorable and creative!
    watched the video twice of cutie pie dais. she is BUFF if she can pull and scoot her bod across the floor.
    careful with those little plastic barrettes. i remember sally (maybe grace??)when she was little went to take nap with one in her hair, put in her mouth and started to choke and poor mrs shicker was bbsitting!!! how scary! the bows are great but those little plastic ones scare me. (i think i told you this already--sorry if im repeating--it obviously freaked me out!)
