January 5

Our morning was filled with MOPS today and our afternoon was filled with naps, so I didn't take very many pictures. Daisy woke from her nap before Caleb woke from his, so we got ready to go for a run in the BOB. My plan was to leave when Caleb woke up. However, it seems that he didn't want me to go for my first run in two months (I know! Can you belive it? I'm terrible) because he didn't wake up until 4:38, as the sun was setting.

While we waited in vain for Caleb to wake up, Daisy helped me with some laundry.

Actually, I set her in front of her toys and ran downstairs to throw a load of laundry in the washer. When I came back up, I saw this:

Daisy had pulled a photo book out of her basket of toys, and was staring intently at a picture from Caleb's first birthday. It was of us, surrounded by the rest of Chris' family. Daisy clearly recognized, and was interested in, Grandmother and Grandad. How fun is that?

This happy girl loves her family!

(Also, I seem to love dresses over long-sleeved shirts and pants lately. Daisy has worn this combination for the past three days in a row. But hey - it looks cute, and expands her wardrobe. Why not!)

Caleb, Daisy and I all have colds. I'm off to bed now to sleep mine away!

1 comment:

  1. That outfit is adorable. Even if it has been repeated. =-) She's looking less baby already though-how did that happen?
