January 14

We took Caleb and Daisy out to the old house today. Our tenant moves in on Friday, so today was a chance for us to do some cleaning and repairing and let the kids say goodbye. We enjoyed what will hopefully be our last family meal there - Cracker Barrel pancakes to go, eaten out of boxes on the floor. Because we're cool like that.

Caleb approved.

Daisy watched us eat from her car seat. It worked for me - it meant that I didn't have to share my pancakes!
We actually got quite a bit done, but when naptime rolled around, I took the kids home and left Chris to keep working.

Sadly, Chris was still working at the house at dinner time, so we had to do dinner and bedtime without him. Caleb, Daisy and I are so lucky that this rarely happens. Thankfully, the kids were on their best behavior and we did fine.

As Caleb ate his bread, he said, "Jesus broke bread! Caleb breaks bread, too!"
It made my heart feel like Jello.

Daisy devoured her dinner, and I was quite thankful for her new full-torso bib. It's basically a waterproof shirt-bib; perfect for Baby-Led Solids!

My happy boy grinned like this when I called Daddy to tell him about Caleb's Jesus-breaking-bread comment.

Daisy grinned like this at her brother. She kind of likes him.
Or maybe she was happy about her food. She definitely ate twice as much as Caleb did tonight. When Caleb wouldn't eat his dinner (we had potato soup, so I fished out chunks of potato, carrot, and celery for the kids. Everything was coated in a thick, cheesy sauce.), I pointed out that Daisy really liked her dinner. His response? "Should Mommy give Caleb's food to Daisy?"

This kid is trouble. It's a good thing he's so sweet!

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