January 10

Today we paid a visit to our fantastic doctor, due to a wicked rash on Caleb's leg. We've been battling this one rogue spot for over two months now; at first I didn't know what it was and tried hydrocortisone cream, then I realized it was ringworm and tried an antifungal cream, but that didn't work so we visited the doctor and she said stick with the antifungal, but it still didn't go away so we did prescription antifungal, but even the prescription didn't work so now we've decided it's eczema. It's not terrible or anything - just a half-dollar sized patch on Caleb's left calf that seems to be pretty itchy and looks really angry. Poor kid.

But the one who really should be visiting the doctor is Daisy. She has been so fussy! I didn't ask the doctor about it during our visit because I wasn't sure how that worked; is it ok to talk about your second child during your first child's visit? I'm guessing no, and I didn't want to put our doctor (who is also my friend on Facebook) in the position of having to tell me that we can't talk about that now but if I'd like to make an appointment... So I didn't ask her to check Daisy's ears for an ear infection. But now I'm kicking myself and wishing I had. It seems that with kids, they're always better in the morning and worse in the evening. So you don't call the doctor because you think they're getting better, but then once the office is closed for the day they start acting up again. Or am I the only one who's experienced this?


But, I did weigh Daisy. She is 15 pounds, 9.4 ounces. People, that's the 15th percentile! Up from the 12th percentile for the past few months! I think this is the first time in her eight months that she's actually gone UP a few percentiles! It could be a fluke, or she could be on an upward trajectory. Doesn't really matter. What does matter is that she has also officially doubled her birth weight! You know - that milestone that most  babies reach between four and six months? The milestone that most people use to determine when their baby is ready for solids? Yeah. My eight-month-old just reached it. (Though to be fair, she surpassed it. She probably hit it around seven and a half months old. When we last saw the doctor three weeks ago, Daisy weighed just under 15 pounds, and was just shy of doubling her birth weight.)

In other good news, Chris came home at 5:00 today. See, that's how it goes now. His commute is only half an hour, so he can leave at his normal time and get home at 5:00! But I still expect his commute to take an hour and I'm surprised when he comes home so early.

Here's what he and Caleb did when Chris got home:

Caleb took his Lightning McQueen slippers for a spin as he and Chris went for a run to the fire hydrant and back in the almost-dark.

Later, my mom and Ryan and Max came over for dinner. Mom had the day off work and spent the whole thing by herself at our old house, cleaning. Yeah. I think she might love me just a little. To thank her, I made this for dinner:

(not my photo. Click on the photo to link to its source and the delicious recipe.)
Garlic-studded pork tenderloin

with Roasted Brussels Sprouts in a lemon-garlic dressing
boon's Brussels spouts
(Come on, now. Do you really think that's my picture? Click on it to link to the source, as well as the recipe.)

Daisy devoured her mashed potatoes and pork, but wasn't keen on the brussels sprouts.

It was a fun evening, and now I'm desperately praying that Daisy feels better in the morning.

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