January 18

So my sickness is just like when the kids are sick: during the day, I think things are getting better. Then nighttime comes, and we crash. Boo.

The day was mostly good, though.

At one point, Caleb had a dirty diaper that needed to be changed immediately. Since I'm a good mom, I placed Daisy in front of a basket of toys and went to change Caleb. (Hey, I could have placed her in front of the TV and left the room. Good choices here!)

She apparently preferred the "basket of toys" that I like to call "the diaper bag" instead.
She emptied the whole thing, then chewed on one of her little shoes.

While I was checking on Daisy, a diaper-less Caleb ran into the room wearing my slippers.

People, sick mama = crazy house.

Daisy just sat and watched her brother's antics from her pile of diaper bag goodies.

Later, Daisy showed me a new milestone: she dances now!
She doesn't even need music. All she needs is to see Caleb dancing and BOOM - girl joins in.
Want to see?

After a few dance party sessions, Caleb decided it was reading time and read a book to Daisy. This video is longer (80 seconds), but pretty sweet and priceless. Caleb is just getting to the stage where he has his books memorized and likes to "read" them to himself.

(For those of you who can't view this, I'm really sorry, because this mama thinks it's pretty sweet.)

I'm so blessed to have such sweet and loving children - it makes being sick a little bit easier!


  1. You are blessed! Such great, adorable kids! I am sick too. UGH I felt great during the day and then last night up all night coughing and blowing my nose. TERRIBLE!!

  2. She.is.so.cute. Sigh...her little dance and happy grin is so precious! And what a fun brother reading to his sister. You do have great kids. Glad you are beginning to arise from the fog lady! Hope it continues to improve. :D
