January 22

Church. Chris and I worked with the babies, Caleb went to his classroom. When I picked Caleb up, his teacher said that during worship he gave little Miss Harper a hug and a kiss, and later he tried to hold Harper's hand. I asked Caleb about it, and he smiled and laughed, "Yeah. She's nice." Harper's mom says that Harper is pretty independent, and was pleasantly surprised that she tolerated Caleb's affection, rather than responding by biting or hitting him. We'll see how this pans out.

Lunch. Naptime. Oh, naptime. See, naptime was important today. We had a birthday party for a very special five-year-old at 2:30, so it was essential that Caleb go to sleep in a timely fashion so that he would be well-rested for the party. Instead, the child literally spent at least forty-five minutes like this:

Only most of the time, he didn't look this pleasant. Most of the time, he was crying and screaming, "Caleb should go poopy! CALEB should go POOPY!" After giving him time, then battling, then fighting, Caleb was appeased when he finally worked out a teaspoon of pee into the potty. Then he went to sleep.

While he slept, we worked in Daisy's room. I bought fabric to make her curtains last night, but haven't yet hemmed or sewn them in any way. Chris and I hung them up anyway, just because they have blackout fabric behind them and it helps with naptime. Then I got to work making this mobile for Daisy:

They're little felt bird ornaments I bought on clearance at Target. Cute, huh? Add some white wire hangers and thread, and boom - it's a mobile. I'm excited that Daisy's room is starting to take shape, instead of being an empty box. Next up: hanging pictures on the walls.

Party time. We were so excited to be on the guest list for a beautiful, rainbow-themed birthday party and celebrate with some fantastic people and hear their amazing news.

Dinner. Tried this recipe. Not a keeper. Oh well - not everything is a winner.

Bedtime. That means naked time in our house.

Those are Daisy's new curtains, but they're not really that yellow.

Focus on the baby, not the background. There is nothing inappropriate in the background.

What a sweet girl.

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