January 25

Chris came home from work today and asked me how my day was and... I couldn't remember. Today felt like two separate days, not one. But the kids were cute and funny, took good naps, and performed admirably for the dear friends who came over for dinner. Overall, a good day.

Caleb played his guitar,

And Daisy played doctor.
(This was the first time she wore this sweet royal blue shirt. The color looks A-Mazing on her. Too bad I already know that anytime I put her in it, people will assume she's a boy.)

But she doesn't care!

1 comment:

  1. Allie looks really great in that color blue, too. And you already know we have the same trouble about being called boys. Since she won't keep a bow in her hair, it doesn't make that any easier. Ok, lady, so when are we going to get our twin girlies together for a play date? They seem to be such good friends, those two. At least they'd enjoy eating the same things for lunch!
