January 12

Happy snow day to us! We woke this morning to find around two inches of fluffy white snow, and more continued to fall throughout the day. It was cold, windy, and lovely!

We stayed inside for the first part of the morning since it was so cold. Caleb spent some time painting:
At various times this painting was angels, Grandmother, and a boat.

Daisy woke up from her nap and we gave Caleb a haircut. To keep him still while I cut his hair, I gave him a set of pretend scissors and a stuffed duck. While I snipped away at Caleb's hair, he gave the duck a "haircut", too, commanding, "Sit still, Mr. Duck! Stop wiggling!"

When we were finished, I bundled Caleb in eight million layers of clothes, wrapped Daisy in a similar amount, put Daisy in the Ergo, and zipped my coat around her. I must have looked like pregnant, two-headed monster as we played in the snow!

Caleb was very serious about his snow-play. Though this picture shows him walking on the sidewalk, most of the time he ran in the grass next to the sidewalk. There was more snow in the grass, and I suppose he found that to be more satisfying.

Happy boy!

He bent over to get some snow to make a snowball, and face-planted in the snow. It was one of those times where something truly hilarious happens, but because you're a mama and it's happening to your baby, you try really hard to stifle your laughter. And then you fail completely because it's so stinking funny.

This was when he tried to get back up. He failed. Probably something about his eight million layers of clothes. It took him four attempts and some assistance from me before he was finally back on his feet.

We only stayed outstide for maybe thirty minutes before I decided it was time to come back in (sadly, or luckily, our sleds are still in the garage at the old house. We'll have to grab them - and everything else that's left - this weekend.). Caleb wanted to keep playing, but I bribed him with hot cocoa. While I made hot cocoa, he and Daisy had a "picnic" on the living room floor.

How sweet is this? Actually, they were fighting. Caleb had a toy cookie on his plate, but Daisy yoinked it right off. He was peeved, and unconsoled by the toy orange slice I offered him. Heck - I understand. An orange is not a fair trade for a cookie.

Yummy plastic picnic!

This girl. I know I say it a lot, but she is so good at entertaining herself! Give her a basket full of toys and put her in front of a window, and she is happy as a clam!


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