January 20

Today was a good day, and a Friday too!

For some reason, I woke up this morning before I needed to.

 Our normal morning routine is this:
Chris' alarm goes off at 5:15; he hits "snooze".
It goes off again; he gets up, showers, and starts getting ready for work.
Though I could easily sleep through it, Chris' morning rustlings wake Daisy up.
I try desperately to get her to go back to sleep, but it doesn't work.
Chris takes Daisy with him so that I can sleep a little longer.
When he's ready to go, Chris wakes me up by tossing Daisy in the bed with me.
Sometime after Chris leaves for work, usually around 7, Caleb wakes up.

 Since I was up early, I grabbed my camera to show you how Chris and Daisy spend their mornings:
Daisy  used to sit on her play mat with a basket of toys, but now the girl scoots right off the mat. No, she is not playing with the iron cord. Chris is way too much of a worrywart to let anything like that happen. She's patting the ironing board leg because it makes a nice noise.

After Chris left and Caleb woke up, Caleb was drinking his morning "coffee" (warm milk with honey). He looked at me and said, "This is called coffee because it makes you cough!" and then he faked a cough. I laughed so hard - it was Caleb's first pun!

Two weeks after we put up our bird feeder, the birds have finally found it. Caleb's little chair is the perfect spot to view all of the birdy action. The feeder is so close to the window, though, that we have to be very still and quiet or we scare the birds away.
Caleb likes the boy cardinals the best because they look like his beloved baseball Cardinals.

At lunchtime, Caleb reminded me that he knows his memory verse.
"With God all things are possible!" Matthew 19:26

Of course, Caleb really likes hamming it up for the camera, so we had an outtake, too:
What a sweet boy. I love, love, love that our church encourages the little ones to memorize God's Word! I never would have thought a two and a half year old could do it.

After Caleb went down for his nap, I found this:
It's the hole in the wall that we need to patch (maybe we'll get to it this weekend...). Apparently Baby Jaguar felt the need to explore the hole? I love imagining what must have been going on in Caleb's little mind when he did this.

Later, Daddy came home, and Caleb wandered all over the house in his boots.

Daisy was entertained.
(No, she doesn't take a pacifier. She just likes to gnaw on it.)

Oh. And there's Caleb in my boots. You can't tell, but they're tall, zip-up boots with a heel. He managed them pretty well!

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