January 13

Did you know that today was Friday the thirteenth? I did.
Do you know how I knew?
Because my day was rotten. Rotten.

It all started after Daisy's morning nap. She woke up, and I got everyone bundled up so that we could head out to Target and the fabric store. I had all the windows measured and was finally going to buy fabric to make curtains. It was cold out, so I decided to start the car first and then bring the kids out. It was one of my few good decisions of the day. I went to start the car and... rev, rev, rev, clickclickclick, nothing.

My car was slow to start yesterday, but I had no idea the battery would be worthless today. So I trudged back inside to tell the kids that we would not be going to Target.

Caleb flipped out. "Should Mommy and Caleb go to Target? Should Caleb go to TARGET? SHOULD CALEB GO TO TARGET!!!???!!" And then the crying. And if Caleb is crying, Daisy assumes he has a good reason, so she starts crying too. Add that to my already-frustrated self, and... well, it wasn't good.

Lunchtime was good, though.

On the menu (and on Daisy's face): eggs scrambled with cheese, strawberries, and plain Greek yogurt.
Daisy loved it!

Lunch must taste yummier if it's smeared all over you.

Then I put Caleb down for his nap. Daisy was due for a nap too, so I put her down, looking forward to at least ninety minutes to relax.


Daisy had other plans.

Plans like playing in Caleb's tent while he was asleep.

Yep. She's cute, but I wasn't seeing it this afternoon. I was just stressed and annoyed as I spent three hours trying to start dinner, but not being able to because someone was tired but not willing to nap.

But it's over now. New battery in my car, new garage door opener clipped to my sun visor, babies asleep, and a pan of brownies in the oven. And tomorrow's Saturday. Everything will be OK.

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