January 19

It's official: our old home has a rent-paying tenant! Hooray for God's faithfulness! We handed over the keys and got the first month's rent check today; our first mortgage payment on the new house is due in a week and a half. Pretty perfect, if you  ask me!

Another example of God's faithfulness: I am still alive. The past few days, I really thought I might not make it, but I think I'm finally getting better. I felt well enough today that I ventured out of the house for the first time this week so that I could go to MOPS. I think the kids and I both needed a break from each other.

We got home, I made Caleb lunch, put Daisy down for a nap, re-joined Caleb and to eat my lunch... and waited. Caleb took a full hour to eat his lunch. Not even kidding. So by the time I got Caleb down for his nap, I had ten minutes and then... guess who was awake?

Daisy and I had some good snuggles and I tried to make her go back to sleep, but then I gave up and we played. Girl is all over the place now. She will scoot across the room to get to me, and she's so proud of herself when she does it!

She's also into everything now.
She scooted away from her toys, across the room, under the computer desk, just to peer inside this little trash can.

Oops! Tipped it over!
(At first I thought she had one of my germy tissues in her hand, but it's not a tissue. It's the bow on the front of her dress. Whew!)

Rolling the trash can around. It makes a fun noise when you do that!

Speaking of rolling, at MOPS today we made a fun baby toy. I filled an empty coffee can with three jingle bells, then duct taped the lid on. I covered it with pretty paper, glued some photos on, and covered those with clear Con-tac paper. Then I duct taped everything one more time.

Daisy loved it!
It makes a really satisfying jingle/clatter when she rolls it, and it rolls really well.


This boy was happy because he got to eat cucumber slices while I made dinner.
It's the only vegetable he'll eat, but it's better than nothing!

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