January 7

We celebrated my nephew Ryan's fourteenth birthday today.
It's crazy, isn't it? I was sixteen when he was born, and now he's fourteen. I still can't believe it. After a late breakfast at The Golden Corral (his choice), the whole fam headed over to our house for cake and presents.

It was warm enough outside that the boys were able to play football in the back yard. Turns out, we have a pretty good back yard!

Ryan made lots of sweet passes.

Jason worked all night to make this masterpiece for Ryan. From scratch, he crafted a white/chocolate checkered cake with a banana/strawberry compote filling. He initially made fondant icing (also from scratch!) but it broke, so he had to resort to a regular icing.

Seriously, this dude puts all of my cake-making efforts to shame. I may never bake again!

Can we talk for a momet about what a good kid Ryan is?
Daisy stayed up past her naptime, so she was a little iffy. She was playing by herself on the floor, when she started fussing. I was busy, Chris was with Caleb, and no one else noticed, so Ryan just scooped her up and took care of her. Daisy was totally content.
I know it's a simple act of kindness, but I can't think of many other fourteen year old boys who would do that.

Nope. Still can't believe he's fourteen. Thirteen, I could handle. Not fourteen.

This proud mama loves her boys!

Caleb loved Jason's cake.

Caleb and I made this card for Ryan. Thanks, Amber, for blogging about how to make them over here!

Later, after everyone was gone,
Daisy scooted around the dining room.

Caleb, meanwhile, woke up from his nap and immediately asked in the sweetest little voice, "Should Mommy give Caleb another one more little piece of cake?"
 I love him and his garbled semantics. How could I say no?

While we ate cake, Chris explored the attic. Hopefully tomorrow will bring us electricity in the bedrooms.

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