January 17

Still sick.
Days like today make me envy working moms, who have luxuries like sick days and daycare.
Unfortunately, I have neither. Thankfully, the kiddos were pretty patient with me, and Chris left work a little bit early as my fever rose and my energy faded.

When Daisy woke from her afternoon nap at 2, I brought her into bed with me and tried desperately to get her to fall back asleep. No luck. Then I thought we could maybe just lay in bed together and play, since Caleb was still asleep. Nope. Girl wanted to be up. Also, she showed me a new trick that was so sweet and so funny that I had to get up and videotape it, despite the fact that I really, really wanted to stay in bed.

Want to see?

She's been waving bye-bye for a few weeks now, but it's generally been a full-arm wave. But today, she demonstrated that she can also wave like the Queen of England. And she is seriously proud of it.

Even funnier is that at first when I asked her to wave, she would try to wave but get confused and start clapping instead. I could practically see the little wheels turning in her head as she processed, "I know I'm supposed to do something with my hands... now what was it?"

Here are some not-quite-as-cute still photos of Daisy's new wave:

"Wait, what do I do?"

"That's it!"

"Yay, Daisy!"

And then scooting around instead of sitting still for my camera.

Where did she scoot? Right to "B is for Bear". It's her new favorite.

Time for bed now. I'll be better in the morning, right?

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