January 11

After breakfast this morning Caleb was playing contentedly, so I stole a few minutes to shower while Daisy was alseep. When I got out of the shower, I couldn't find the slippers that I had worn into the bathroom. Our floors are cold, so I needed them, but they had disappeared. I left the bathroom, went down the long hall, and found Caleb playing at the coffee table in the living room, wearing my fuzzy blue slippers. He had quietly crept into the bathroom, put the slippers on, shuffled all the way down the hall, and continued playing as if it were no big thing. It was the funniest thing I have experienced in a long time - so funny that I didn't mind how cold my feet were. Sadly, I have no pictures.

But I do have pictures of our cookie-making session that happened immediately after the slipper fiasco. Daisy's nap was really long (she still has a cold, but seems to be feeling a little bit better. Much less fussy. Thanks for asking.), so Caleb and I were able to make, bake, and eat three dozen snickerdoodles before she woke. (OK, we didn't eat all three dozen. We saved some for the neighbor as a thank-you for the raw milk she gave us last week.)

This was the first time Caleb had helped me with snickerdoodles, and he seemed to really enjoy the hands-on process.
I rolled the dough into little balls, then handed them to him to roll in the cinnamon and sugar.

We experimented with letting him roll the dough into balls, but he seemed to only be capable of smooshing it. Even when he rolled the balls in the cinnamon and sugar, he still tended to smoosh them.

Caleb soon determined that my method of spacing the cookies on the pan was inadequate, and took things into his own hands. He lined them up in a tight row and got very upset if I tried to move them.

While the cookies baked and I cleaned up, his cars went for a drive on the cooling rack.

After lunch, Caleb napped and Daisy and I played. 
She was perfectly content to play with her toys and watch me as I cleaned the big back windows.

"Mommy! I love how you clean! Maybe you should do it more often!"
Quiet, kid.

Happy, happy girl. She's so funny!

Love her!
(Nope - still no teeth. I keep looking anxiously in her mouth, hoping to see some tooth buds. But still nothing. I know they will come someday; Caleb was eleven months old before he got his first tooth. I guess Chris and I just breed babies who like to hang out in the womb too long and take their time getting teeth. At least they're cute and cheerful!)


  1. ok, you HAVE to enter her pic in the contest. she is just so darn cute. love the story about caleb. how fun. you are the best mom!! snickerdoodles???

  2. cutest kids!! I agree with Aunt Maggie, you are the best mom!
    Miss you guys!
