May 7

I feel like Daisy has been a part of our family forever, but I just realized that she's only 3 days old.


Maybe it's because these days seem to have at least twelve extra hours tacked on to them. I'm looking forward to the day when we're in a groove, with a routine and a rhythm to each day. At the same time, I'm terrified of what it will take to get to that day, because I know it will mean trial and lots of error. And then that one blessed day of rhythm will pass, and things will change, and I'll have to figure it out all over again...

So maybe I'll just spend these precious days enjoying the slow tick of the clock, the neverending nursing sessions, the wonderfully terrifying feeling of "What should I do next?". Because in just over a week, Chris will go back to work and I'll have to do it on my own. With a toddler. Oh boy.

But until that day comes, here's how we've been filling our time:

Caleb's favorite part about getting a new baby sister?
Either the endless Daddy time, or all of the fun presents! Today the mailman brought him this awesome hat from GREAT Aunt Mag! (There was a sweet little something for the baby, too, but it was tiny and pink and Caleb only had eyes for his new "Maggie Hat".)

Can you tell how cool Caleb feels in this hat? He even walked with a bit of a swagger when he put it on.

It's officially garden hose weather! Daddy wins the awesome award because he lets Caleb spray himself in the face.

Soaking wet!

But apparently not wet enough! Maybe a little more water...

Meanwhile, inside: 
our sleeping sweetheart.

And then Sara and John and Carter and Cooper brought bacon brownies, with all the fixins. That's right:
 Bacon. Brownies.

I guess it's been a good day, but it's also been a long one! This mama should be sleeping!

(Oh - and as I sat down to type this, Chris was reading Daisy her first book. "Spot on the Farm." It was too dark to take a photo, or you know I would have. The book's not that exciting, but Daisy didn't seem to mind...)


  1. gosh, so many memories. and, carrie, you express the feelings that all moms have. i remember starting again, with twins and wondering how to do it again--did i forget how to mother a newborn?? the stages go by so fast and we don't remember them all when the second (and third, for me) comes around! hugs to all 4 of you!!!

  2. aaah!! What a perfect family! You will do great Carrie, I admire you guys so much.
