May 23

So it was kind of a busy day.

So busy that when it was bedtime for Caleb, Daisy and I went up and kissed him goodnight, then climbed into bed.

Despite the dirty dishes.
Despite the messy house.
Despite the 8.3 million other things I needed to do.

And my sweet, sweet husband didn't mind - he went down and did the dishes and cleaned up and was a good man. While I slept. Which meant no blog was done. Sorry.

But. Here are some pictures from the day. They might have been taken by my husband, because I was too busy to pick up the camera all day. (Did I mention he's a good man?)

I never tire of the "Caleb kissing Daisy" photos. Do you?

He loves her so much!

Can you tell that he's touching her lips and she doesn't like it?

So, what were we doing all day?
A very kind, very generous friend offered us her daughter's old clothes, so we drove out to her house to dig through the boxes and boxes of clothes. Daisy is now well supplied for her first year - I'm so thankful!

Then we rushed home for an early nap, so that we could leave on time for our next errand.

During the nap, major thunderstorm came through that split the big tree in our front yard right down the middle. Now we have half a tree.

Then I woke Caleb up early so that we could drive out to St. John's for Daisy's newborn hearing screening. (One of the major downsides of a homebirth - you have to go to a big hospital's audiology department to get the hearing screening done. None of the hospitals in our county would do it, so we had to drive 35 minutes to find one that would. That's right - 35 minute drive, $150 fee, for a test that took literally 45 seconds. A minute tops.)

But Caleb couldn't come into the audiology department with us, so first we dropped him off to have some fun with Grandad. Daisy passed the test with flying colors, and within 30 minutes we were back at Chris' parents' house.

Then we visited Grandmother at work.

Then I sat in the back seat of the car for 30 minutes and nursed Daisy while strangers walked by and stared and Caleb grew bored. (Any of you moms remember being in that boat? Gotta love it.)

Then we drove toward home, but had to stop at Babymoon to weigh Daisy. Because, you know, it's out of the question to be able to weigh her at her pediatrician's office. Her pediatrician is totally getting dumped. But the good news? Our little girl weighs 8 pounds, which means she gained 6 ounces in 4 days, with means our pediatrician can stuff it, because there is no problem. (Are you sensing some frustration?)

Then I came home and tried to clean up and make dinner and Chris came home and Jenny came over and Daisy wanted to eat for 8. HOURS. so I couldn't do anything but sit.

Then dinner and more nursing and then I collapsed in bed. The end.

It was a long day, but today I'm doing nothing all day to make up for it. Hooray!

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