December 7

Well, we bought a house today.

We are now the proud (?) owners of not one, but two homes. Yikes. Chris took the day off work, so we celebrated with blueberry-oatmeal pancakes for breakfast. (I think I've shared this recipe before; it's worth sharing again. These are seriously delicious and must be tried.)

Daisy even tried the pancakes, and she LOVED them!
(Have I mentioned how much I love this Baby-Led Solids approach to introducing food? It's so much easier, Daisy is able to take things at her own pace, and she's being exposed to so many more foods. Right now, Daisy is a better eater than Caleb. Seriously. Plus, at this point most of Daisy's nutrition is still coming from breast milk and I feel really good about that.)

Later, my mom kindly watched the kiddos so that they weren't running around, squawking like hooligans while we tried to sign all of our closing documents. Chris and I dropped Caleb and Daisy at my mom's house, but when we tried to say good-bye to Caleb so we could leave for the closing, he started crying. At first, we thought he was crying because he didn't want us to leave.
He was crying because he wanted to stay at Grandma's house. OK, buddy. We can do that!

After closing, I took my tired darlings back home so they could nap while Chris waited to get the keys to the new house. They both fell asleep in the car, but when we got home, Daisy refused to keep sleeping.

"Twenty minutes is totally a long enough nap, Mom! Really!"

She finally fell asleep two hours later, right as Caleb was waking up. *sigh* I was itching to join Chris at the new house, but naptime is a sacred time in our household, and we don't disturb it. Finally, Daisy woke up at 4:30. Just enough time for me to pack the kids up and take them out to the new house for a celebratory dinner.

We like to party in style.

Caleb was pretty unsure about this new place being ours.

Then Chris pointed out that the kitchen-to-hallway-to-dining-room-to-kitchen made a perfect running loop. And he was off!

First Chris chased him, then I chased him, but someone always had to be chasing him. Maybe we'll be able to teach him to run the laps on his own?

Even Daisy got in on the running action!

And now we're all exhausted and looking forward to a full day tomorrow. I'm hoping to start a house blog soon... keep your eyes peeled for that!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, and good luck with the floors this weekend!!
