December 16

Whew. Today was a rough day. Caleb and Daisy were up two hours past their bedtime last night, and I paid for it dearly today. I'm sure some parents look at how closely I hold to our routine and think I'm way too uptight, but my kiddos thrive on it. When we get off-routine, I end up with fussy, whiny, annoying children. Today was a perfect example.

We also had a visit to the doctor this morning - Caleb has a little rash on his leg, and Daisy needed her flu shot booster. The exciting part, though, is new stats. Today, Caleb weighed 30 pounds,which puts him in the 55th percentile. He was 36 inches tall, which means he's in the 50th percentile for two and a half year olds. Yay, Caleb!
Daisy was so very close to being 15 pounds, but didn't quite make it. She clocked in at 14 pounds, 15.6 ounces. That puts her in the 13th percentile for 7-month-olds. But at least she seems to have found her groove - she's been hovering in the 12-13th percentiles for the past few months. It looks like she's just going to be a petite baby. They didn't measure her length today, but I think it's fair to say she's gigantic.

How about some pictures?

Caleb and Daisy both had blackberries for lunch. This was after Daisy's first blackberry; after her sixth blackberry, she had berry bits and juice all over her face, forehead, hair, hands, forearms, upper arms, torso, pants... I'm not sure what I was thinking when I gave her blackberries more than seven hours before bathtime.

After (much too short) naps, Caleb and Daisy played cars.
Clearly, Daisy loves playing cars.

Reeeeaaaaching for that truck.
(Don't you dare notice how filthy my floors are. All that dirt and rubbish is great for the kids' immune systems. I totally do it on purpose.)

Yay! Got it! Can you tell that she's clapping while holding the truck?

Annnd... into the mouth.

Why are there no pictures of Caleb today? If you could have seen him in action, you would understand. He was a mess today - fussy, whining, tantrums every five seconds, upset, then upset that he was upset, wanting everything and nothing at the same time... It was rough.

But tomorrow is another day, and a Saturday to boot. Thank God for the "reset button" that is bed time.

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