December 3

Today was good:
one last walk-through on the new house
haircuts for both boys
Christmas lights up on the house

So. We close on Wednesday on this new house. The walk-through today was good; there are lots of problems, but I feel really optimistic about it. First on the agenda will be refinishing the wood floors and painting the bedrooms, along with plumbing and electrical and whatever else needs to happen so that we can get an occupancy permit. Oh, and replacing the locks, most of which seem to have keys broken off in them. And replacing the two windows that are boarded up. *sigh* It's going to be a big job, and we're going to have very little money for a very long time.

But Chris and I both think it will be worth it.

Want to see the house that's worth all that?

Here it is, with my little boy running around in the driveway.
(Yes, the mailbox is hideous. Yes, the lawn is covered with leaves. Yes, it's rough around the edges.)

Want to see really rough? Take a look at the master bathroom.

I chose this photo because you can see me, taking the picture and wearing Daisy, in the mirror. This bathroom will be basically unusable for a while. Well, I think the sink works safely. And maybe the toilet.

Lots of work. And starting Wednesday the 7th, we will be accepting any and all offers of help.

Caleb was feeling crafty at lunch - he built this tower out of his peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Chris put the Christmas lights up at our house for what we hope is the last time.

And this girl was sweet, sweet, sweet, and took another three hour nap today. I could get spoiled like this!

See his new haircut? And the cars that are his obsession? Happy kid.

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