December 2

Oh my.

Daisy will be seven months old on Sunday, but I took her seven-month photos today, because somehow I never find time to take good pictures on the weekend.

They turned out so well - I'm really excited to show them to you. But not today. I'll post them on Sunday.

But. After I finished taking her pictures, I began changing her back into her regular clothes. She needed a diaper change, then I let her roll around naked for a little bit. She was so cute that I got the camera right back out and started snapping away.


She's totally into her toes right now.

Got that big toe!

Love her!

Can you see that thread across her eye? It's not a thread or a hair - it's a string of snot running from her nose to her hair. She's pretty happy about it.

Daisy took three looong naps today, and Caleb napped for four hours. I hope they're both fighting something off, and not getting sick.

Also, I swear Daisy says "boo". As in "peek-a-boo"? She totally says "boo" every time we play, and I'm starting to think it's intentional.

Caleb found one of the props from Daisy's photo shoot. He was quite pleased with himself.

Also, this morning Caleb grabbed Chris' Bible and told me this story:
"Once upon a time there was a car named Lightning McQueen, and he was a famous race car. He loved to go tractor tipping with his friend Tow Mater. The end."

I promise you, that was what he said - verbatim. I am so proud of his burgeoning storytelling abilities!

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